Werner Nell

Associate Professor
Liaison Queen's University and  Martin- Luther Universität Halle-Wittemberg, Germany

2017-2018 John G. Diefenbaker Scholar

Research interests: Comparative Literature (theory and practice), European- Transcontinental Literary and Cultural Relations, Transnational Literature, Comparative Regionalism Studies, Intercultural German Studies

E-mail: werner.nell@germanistik.uni-halle.de
Phone: 613-533-2072 (LLCU main office)
Office: Kingston Hall 416 (LLCU main office)


Habilitation, 1995
Zweites Staatsexamen, 1979
Erstes Staatsexamen, 1977

Werner Nell


Professor Nell has been a liaison between German Department at Queen's and  the Germanistisches Institut, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany since 2007. He visited Queen's numerous times as a guest lecturer, teaching graduate courses on a variety of topics. Dr. Nell has been instrumental in setting up a Student Exchange Agreement between Queen's and Halle in 2008. Since then, numerous students from both institutions participated in the program.

Professor Nell published over dozen of books on literature, history and sociology. He edited numerous volumes of journals and books; his publications also include articles, book chapters, and dictionary entries. His latest book is Atlas der fiktiven Orte. Utopia, Camelot und Mittelerde. Eine Entde­ckungsreise zu erfundenen Schauplätzen.  His latest project is a book on a history of world literature since modern age (Eine kurze Geschichte der Weltliteratur seit der Neuzeit).