Explore the current list of open positions in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures.
Faculty Positions
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Student Job Opportunities
DEVS 220 Graduate Teaching Assistant Positions
Summer 2025
Graduate Teaching Assistant positions within the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, in collaboration with Arts and Science Online (ASO), are advertised in accordance with the provisions of Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Agreement.
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures requires Teaching Assistantships for the following course:
DEVS 220/3.0 Introduction to Indigenous Studies
An introduction to Indigenous ways of knowing organized on a historical basis, from creation to present day, emphasizing Indigenous cultures and experiences in Canada. Students will critically examine colonialism. Indigenous perspectives will be introduced through lecture, reading and assignments, and from contributions from elders, members of Indigenous communities and Indigenous scholars.
Graduate TA-ships will only be offered to candidates in Group B, C or D after the qualified candidates in Group A have been exhausted.
The teaching assistants that we are seeking are for the support of online courses. Some training and preparation is needed before the start of the course. Candidates must be flexible in terms of availability during online office hours. Candidates must be willing to provide students with timely and constructive feedback in onQ. Candidates must have access to the internet and a computer that meets minimum requirements. Experience with learning management systems (e.g. onQ) and videoconferencing software (e.g. Zoom or Adobe Connect) would be an asset.
The actual number of hours of work will be determined depending on the course enrollment. The rate of pay is commensurate with the rates specified in the collective agreements of Teaching Assistants (PSAC).
What to include in your application:
CV, unofficial transcripts, and a one-paragraph statement of why you want to TA for a particular course, including a statement of relevant experience.
Please forward your applications and other relevant material to Mary Smida, Departmental Administrator, LLCU (mary.smida@queensu.ca) no later than March 28, 2025.
DEVS 220 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Positions
Summer 2025
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant positions within the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures are advertised in collaboration with Arts and Science Online (ASO).
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures requires Teaching Assistantships for the following course:
DEVS 220/3.0 Introduction to Indigenous Studies
An introduction to Indigenous ways of knowing organized on a historical basis, from creation to present day, emphasizing Indigenous cultures and experiences in Canada. Students will critically examine colonialism. Indigenous perspectives will be introduced through lecture, reading and assignments, and from contributions from elders, members of Indigenous communities and Indigenous scholars.
The teaching assistants that we are seeking are for the support of online courses. Some training and preparation is needed before the start of the course. Candidates must be flexible in terms of availability during online office hours. Candidates must be willing to provide students with timely and constructive feedback in onQ. Candidates must have access to the internet and a computer that meets minimum requirements. Experience with learning management systems (e.g. onQ) and videoconferencing software (e.g. Zoom or Adobe Connect) would be an asset.
The actual number of hours of work will be determined depending on the course enrollment. The rate of pay is $22.00/hr plus 4% vacation pay.
What to include in your application:
CV, unofficial transcripts, and a one-paragraph statement of why you want to TA for a particular course, including a statement of relevant experience.
Please forward your applications and other relevant material to Mary Smida, Departmental Administrator, LLCU (mary.smida@queensu.ca) no later than March 28, 2025.