Hannah McElgunn
Assistant Professor
Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Arts and Science
Research Interests: semiotics; intertextuality; information circulation and sovereignty; Indigenous linguistic and cultural reclamation; functional approaches to grammar and discourse
Ph.D (joint) Anthropology and Linguistics, University of Chicago, 2020
M.A. Communication Studies, McGill University, 2012
B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, University of Chicago, 2009
Hannah McElgunn is a linguistic anthropologist whose writing and teaching explores the dynamic relationship between language and culture. Her primary research and ethical commitments are centered at Hopi, an Indigenous community, language, and way of life in Arizona. Working in reciprocity with friends and colleagues, she studies the historical and contemporary appropriation of Hopi language, knowledge, and other “intangible” materials, and the various ways they might be reclaimed in the present. Her work seeks to support information sovereignty and strengthen connections between Indigenous languages and communities, while also fostering methodological and theoretical ties between the disciplines of Linguistics and Anthropology. Before coming to Queen’s, Hannah was a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia.
Personal website: www.hannahmcelgunn.com
Dr. McElgunn teaches the following courses:
LLCU 395: Special Topics: Cultural Communications
LLCU 295: Special Topics: Multilingualism: Mixing, Purity, and Everything in Between
LLCU 403: Stories that Matter: Connecting Languages, Literatures and Cultures