
BWRC & LEADERS Seminar Series – Dr. Laurence Yang

Nov 12, 2020

The presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in aquatic environments constitutes a public health issue. The mechanisms by which antibiotic tolerance is induced remain poorly understood in these environments. However, microbial stress responses are observed in contexts ranging...

BWRC and LEADERS Seminar Series - Dr. Sarah Jane Payne

Sep 23, 2020

Manganese (Mn) was previously believed to be an innocuous nuisance causing laundry staining. However, recent epidemiological evidence shown an association between Mn exposure through drinking water and intellectual impairment in children. Health Canada’s new Guideline...

Graduate students, faculty examine water issues at cross-Canada symposium

Sep 04, 2020

A key global issue was under the microscope this week at the Beaty Water Research Centre (BWRC). “Water Management in a Changing Climate”, a pan-Canadian symposium, was a co-production of Queen’s Engineering and the BWRC, and the Memorial University of Newfoundland.

COVID-19 Update

Mar 13, 2020

Following the guidelines from the World Health Organization and the Public Health Agency of Canada, the BWRC offices have decided to close in an effort to practice social distancing.

BWRC and LEADERS Seminar Series - 2019 Brockhouse Prize Winners

Mar 12, 2020

Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering recognizes outstanding Canadian teams of researchers from different disciplines who came together to engage in research drawing on their combined knowledge and skills.

BWRC and LEADERS Seminar Series - Dr. Bas Vriens

Feb 26, 2020

The numbers and quantities of trace metals used in the energy and communication sectors, consumer electronics and chemical and pharmaceutical industries are increasing exponentially, but corresponding waste streams and environmental impacts remain poorly quantified...

BWRC and LEADERS Seminar Series - Dr. Vanessa Speight

Jan 30, 2020

Cities are facing new challenges, particularly influenced by climate change impacts and population growth, while the complexity of urban water systems increases.  As individual households and multifamily/institutional/commercial water users install water saving technologies...

BWRC and LEADERS Seminar Series - Jamie Benidickson

Jan 22, 2020

Jamie Benidickson teaches Canadian and International Environmental Law, Water Law, Sustainable Development Law and Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa. His publications in these areas include The Culture of Flushing: A Social and Legal History of...

BWRC and LEADERS Seminar Series - Dr. Tissa Illangasekare

Nov 25, 2019

Fundamental to the distribution and transport of water, gases and chemical constituents in natural systems are the processes of energy, mass, and momentum transfer. A class of problems offers unique challenges when these processes occur across physical interfaces within the...

BWRC Annual Research Symposium

Nov 15, 2019

On November 13th, 2019, the Beaty Water Research Centre and LEADERS Program hosted its 2nd Annual Research Symposium.

BWRC and LEADERS Seminar Series - Dr. Donatella Termini

Nov 04, 2019

Alteration of hydrological conditions in fluvial systems inevitably leads to changes in river morphology, riparian or riverbed vegetation and ecosystems. As literature shows, climate is one of controlling factor of the distribution of plant species. Rapid climate change leads...

BWRC and LEADERS Seminar Series - Steve Usher

Oct 21, 2019

Typically, clean up of old leaking gas stations are a “dig and dump” affair.  The level of science of assessment is limited to drilling and soil sampling and testing for hydrocarbons, including water samples.  In the majority of cases this is an effective and economic solution...