
Dr. Stephen Brown

Stephen Brown is an Associate Professor in the School of Environmental Studies and the Department of Chemistry at Queen's University. He will lead the LEADERS CREATE and bring expertise in water quality and sensor systems. Dr. Brown has an extensive track-record in the commercialization of water sensor technology and will be instrumental in entrepreneurial and professional skills training.

Dr. Brown's Full Profile

Dr. Pascale Champagne

Pascale Champagne is the Scientific Director at Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) and a Professor in the Departments of Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at Queen's University. She is also the Director of the Contaminants of Emerging Concern Research Excellence Network where the CREATE lies. She will provide training and mentorship opportunities for HQPs. 

Dr. Champagne's Full Profile

Dr. Dongmei Chen

Dongmei Chen is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at Queen's University. Her lab, the Laboratory of Geographic Information and Spatial Analysis (LaGISA), focuses on developing a stimulating environment for research and training on geographic data collection, management, mapping, visualization, analysis, and modeling. Dr. Chen will contribute to CREATE through training and mentorship in understanding landuse impacts in watersheds. 

Dr. Chen's Full Profile

Dr. Brian Cumming

Brian Cumming is a Professor of Paleolimnology and Aquatic Ecology in the Department of Biology at Queen's University. He is Co-director of the world leading Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory (PEARL). Dr. Cumming has extensive experience with field training and mentorship and will contribute to the CREATE Water Sustainability Workshops.

Dr. Cumming's Full Profile

Dr. Ana Maria da Silva

Ana Maria da Silva is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Queen's University. Her research interests include mechanics of turbulent river flows, sediment transport and river morphodynamics.  She will contribute her expertise in river processes and field training relating to water movement in watersheds

Dr. da Silva's Full Profile

Dr. Valerie Langlois

Valerie Langlois is a Professor at the Institut national de la research scientifique (INRS), Centre Eau Terre et Environment. She has expertise in ecotoxicology involving multiple species and novel molecular indicators, and will offer projects in ecotoxicogenomics using design of gene reporter cell assays to identify and characterize the presence of chemicals altering the endocrine system in vertebrates.

Dr. Langlois' Full Profile

Dr. Steven Liss

Steven Liss is the Vice-President of Innovation and Research and Professor of Chemistry and Biology at Ryerson University and an Emeritus Professor in Environmental Sciences at Queen's University. Dr. Liss has played a significant leadership role in the advancement of university education at the undergraduate and graduate level, and in university research in key senior administrative positions. He is an expert on microbes in the environment and will provide extensive mentoring and training support for the CREATE program.

Dr. Liss' Full Profile

Dr. Anna Majury

Anna Majury is a Clinical Microbiologist at Public Health Ontario (PHO) and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences at Queen's University. In addition to this, she has a Doctor's of Veterinary Medicine. She will bring her expertise in public health at a variety of governmental levels which will be invaluable for managing internship and training opportunities connected with these organizations.

Dr. Majury's Full Profile

Dr. Diane Orihel

Diane Orihel is an Assistant Professor in the School of Environmental Studies, and Department of Biology at Queen's University. She has expertise in ecotoxicology and will supervise mesocosm and whole lake research in the Experimental Lakes Area and is establishing a new mesocosm facility at the Queen’s University Biology Station with CFI funding. She also has co-developed the Communication in Environmental Studies course that will be offered to LEADERS participants.

Dr. Orihel's Full Profile

Dr. Neal Scott

Neal Scott is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at Queen's University. He leads the Facility for Biogeochemical Research on Environmental Change and the Cryosphere (FaBRECC). He will will contribute expertise in biogeochemistry (processes and modelling), including development of ecosystem health indicators.

Dr. Scott's Full Profile

Dr. Kela Weber

Kela Weber is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario. He is the head of the Environmental and Bioprocess Engineering Laboratory (EBEL). Dr. Weber brings an extensive network of government stakeholders and also manages extensive projects across Canada in First Nations communities; experience and connections, which will be applied to training and research opportunities for students.

Dr. Weber's Full Profile
Dr. Geof Hall

Dr. Geof Hall

Dr. Geof Hall is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and the School of Environmental Sciences. For the CREATE grant, he will help to coordinate the overall program. Dr. Hall has extensive experience in the delivery of multidisciplinary training and outreach programs. He will also serve as a non-voting member of the Program Committee.