Title: Combining Science and Citizen-Engagement to Support Restoration of St Lawrence River
Presenter: Jeff Ridal, Executive Director of the St. Lawrence River Institute, Cornwall, Ontario.
This talk will present an overview of strategies and programs that have been used to support and monitor restoration of the St Lawrence River. Many of these are related to efforts undertaken at the River Institute within the St Lawrence River (Cornwall) Area of Concern where evidence-based decisions are required to establish whether restoration goals have been achieved. In addition to scientific study, citizen-engagement has been an important component of the effort, especially to leverage resources and facilitate projects, to inform the public and to move towards achieving consensus on the status of the river’s restoration and overall ecosystem health. A similar talk was recently given at the Yangtze River Conservation Forum in Wuhan, China and some observations reflecting the interest and response on this topic will be briefly presented.
Date: December 5th, 2018
Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
Location: EEB (Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour Lounge), 4th Floor BioSciences Complex