When: July 16th, 2019, 12:00 - 5:00 PM
Where: Event Commons, Rm. 103 Mitchell Hall, Queen's University
For more information, contact the LEADERS Program Coordinator, Sophie Felleiter at sf60@queensu.ca
The first cohort of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQPs) to the program were recruited earlier this year through a competitive application process and includes nine graduate students from the Departments of Civil Engineering, Biology, Environmental Studies and Geography & Planning. On July 16th-17th, these students will participate in the first LEADERS research symposium and training workshop. Students will showcase their research and have the opportunity to receive feedback from leading researchers in disciplines such as engineering, chemistry, biology, policy studies, business and public health. The day after the symposium, students will also participate in a workshops dedicated to learning field methods in ground water and surface water at the Kennedy Field Station.