Access Forward


AccessForward Thumdnail

Thank you for your cooperation with the University's efforts in improving our compliance with Ontario's Integrated Accessibility Standards. Access Forward has been updated and revised for Queen's University students, faculty and staff.

Access Forward reviews concepts and rules regarding the Accessibility for Ontarian's with Disabilities Act and Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulations (IASR).  This course has a number of lessons divided into six sections:

  1. Introduction to Accessibility and Disabilities
  2. AODA Requirements and Barriers
  3. Queen's University Accessibility Policies
  4. Design Standards
  5. Customer Service Standards
  6. Scenarios and resources 


Note: Ensure you have 60–minutes of uninterrupted time to complete this module. The module will eventually time–out due to inactivity. Refreshing the page after time–out will cause progress in the module to be lost and you will need to complete the module again.


Thank you

Human Rights and Equity Office