
2018 - 2017

  • Lehnherr, I., St. Louis, V.L., Sharp, M., Gardner, A.S., Smol, J.P., Schiff, S.L., Muir, D.C.G., Mortimer, C.A., Michelutti, N., Tarnocai, C., St. Pierre, K.A., Emmerton, C.A., Wiklund, J.A., Köck, G., Lamoureux, S.F., and Talbot, C.H., in press. The High Arctic’s only "Great Lake" succumbs to climate warming. Nature Communications, accepted January 2018.
  • Wang, J.-J., Lafrenière, M.J., Lamoureux, S.F., Simpson, A., Galinas, A., and Simpson, M.J., in press. Differences in riverine and pond water dissolved organic matter composition and sources in Canadian High Arctic watersheds affected by active layer detachments, submitted to Environmental Science and Technology, accepted January 2018.

  • Bolduc, C., Lamoureux, S.F. and Franssen, J., in press. Thermal and isotopic evidence for surface and subsurface water contributions to baseflow in a High Arctic river. Hydrological Processes, doi:10.1002/hyp.11427.

  • Rudy, A.C.A., S.F. Lamoureux, P. Treitz, N. Short and B. Brisco, 2018. Seasonal and multi-year surface displacements measured by DInSAR in a High Arctic permafrost environment, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 64: 51–61,

  • Rudy, A.C.A., Lamoureux, S.F., Kokelj, S.V., Smith, I.R. and England, J.H. 2017. Accelerating thermokarst transforms ice-cored terrain triggering a downstream cascade to the ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 44,

  • Roberts, K.E., Lamoureux, S.F., Kyser, T.K., Muir, D.C.G., Lafrenière, M.J., Iqaluk, D., Pieńkowski, A.J. and Normandeau, A., 2017. Climate and permafrost effects on the chemistry and ecosystems of High Arctic Lakes. Scientific Reports, 7: 13292, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13658-9.

  • Lamoureux, S.F. and Lafrenière, M.J., 2017. More than just snowmelt: integrated watershed science for changing climate and permafrost at the Cape Bounty Arctic Watershed Observatory. Invited review WIREs Water, e1255, doi:10.1002/wat2.1255.

  • Gillman, M.A., Lamoureux, S.F. and Lafrenière, M.J., 2017. Calibration of a modified temperature-light intensity logger for quantifying water electrical conductivity. Water Resources Research, 53,

  • Lewis, T., Dugan, H.A., Normandeau, A. and Lamoureux, S.F., 2017. Hyperpycnal flows control the persistence and flushing of hypoxic high conductivity bottom water in a High Arctic lake. Arctic Science, doi: 10.1139/AS-2017-0022.

  • Amann, B., Lamoureux, S.F. and Boreux, M., 2017. Winter temperature conditions (1670 – 2010) reconstructed from varved sediments, western Canadian High Arctic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 172:1-14,

  • Inglese, C.N., Christiansen, C.T., Lamhonwah, D., Moniz, K., Montross, S., Lamoureux, S.F., Lafrenière, M.J., Grogan, P. and Walker, V.K., 2017. Examination of soil microbial communities after permafrost thaw subsequent to an active layer detachment in the High Arctic. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 49: 455-472, doi:10.1657/AAAR0016-066

  • McCarter, S.S., Rudy, A.C.A. and Lamoureux, S.F., 2017. Long‐term landscape impact of petroleum exploration, Melville Island, Canadian High Arctic. Arctic Science, 3: 730–744, doi:10.1139/AS-2016-0016.

  • Holloway, J.E., Rudy, A.C.A., Lamoureux, S.F. and Treitz, P., 2017. Determining the terrain characteristics related to subsurface water pressurization in permafrost landscapes using susceptibility modelling. The Cryosphere, 11: 1403-1415,

  • Lafrenière, M.J., Louiseize, N. and Lamoureux, S.F., 2017. Active layer slope disturbances affect magnitude and composition of dissolved nitrogen export from High Arctic headwater catchments, Arctic Science, 3: 429–440,

  • Lapointe F, Francus P, Lamoureux SF, Vuille M, Jenny J-P, Bradley RS, 2017. Influence of the North Pacific Decadal Variability on the western Canadian Arctic climate over the past 700 years. Climates of the Past, 13: 411-420,

  • Lamhonwah D, Lafrenière MJ, Lamoureux SF, Wolfe BB, 2017. Evaluating the hydrological and hydrochemical responses of a High Arctic catchment during an exceptionally warm summer. Hydrological Processes, 31: 2296–2313, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11191.

  • Fouché J, Lafrenière MJ, Rutherford K, Lamoureux SF, 2017. Seasonal hydrology and permafrost disturbance impacts on dissolved organic matter composition in High Arctic headwater catchments. Arctic Science, 3: 378-405 doi:10.1139/AS-2016-0031.

  • Berteaux D, Gauthier G, Dominé F, Ims RA, Lamoureux SF, Lévesque E, Yoccoz N, 2017. Effects of changing permafrost and snow conditions on tundra wildlife: critical places and times. Arctic Science, 3: 65–90, doi:10.1139/as-2016-0023.

  • Lamhonwah D., Lafrenière M.J., Lamoureux S.F., and Wolfe B.B., 2017. Multi-year impacts of permafrost disturbance and thermal perturbation on High Arctic stream chemistry. Arctic Science, 3: 254–276, doi:10.1139/as-2016-0024.

2016 - 2015

  • Normandeau, A., Lamoureux, S.F., Lajeunesse, P. and Francus, P., 2016. Sediment dynamics in paired High Arctic lakes revealed from a high-resolution swath bathymetry and acoustic stratigraphy survey. Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface Processes, 121: 1676–1696, 10.1002/2016JF003873.

  • Bonnaventure, P.P., Lamoureux, S.F., Favaro, E.A., 2016. Over winter channel bed temperature regimes generated by contrasting snow accumulation in a High Arctic river. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, doi: 10.1002/ppp.1902.

  • Rudy, A.C.A., Lamoureux, S.F., Treitz, P., Van Ewijk, K., Bonnaventure, P.P., 2016. Terrain controls and landscape-scale modelling of permafrost slope disturbance susceptibility. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, doi: 10.1002/ppp.1900.

  • Grewer, D.M., Lafrenière, M.J., Lamoureux, S.F., and Simpson, M.J., 2016. Redistribution of soil organic matter by permafrost disturbance in the Canadian High Arctic. Biogeochemistry, 128: 397-415, doi: 10.1007/s10533-016-0215-7

  • Rudy, A.C.A., Lamoureux, S.F., Treitz, P. and Van Ewijk, K., 2016. Transferability of regional permafrost disturbance susceptibility modelling using generalized linear and generalized additive models. Geomorphology, 264: 95–108.

  • Holloway, J.E., Lamoureux, S.F., Montross, S.N. and Lafrenière, M.J., 2015. Climatic and Landscape Controls over Mud Ejection Formation in the Canadian High Arctic. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 27: 204-218, doi: 10.1002/ppp.1870

  • Normandeau, A., Joyal, G., Lajeunesse, P., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S. and Lapointe, F., 2015. Holocene mass movements in a High Arctic lake, East Lake, Melville Island (Western Canadian Arctic Archipelago). Submarine mass movements and their consequences conference, New Zealand (refereed paper).

  • Favaro, E.A. and Lamoureux, S.F., 2015. Downstream patterns of suspended sediment transport in a High Arctic river influenced by permafrost disturbance and recent climate change. Geomorphology, 246: 359-369, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.06.038.

  • Grewer, D. M., M. J. Lafrenière, S. F. Lamoureux, and M. J. Simpson. 2015. Potential shifts in Canadian High Arctic sedimentary organic matter composition with permafrost active layer detachments. Organic Geochemistry, 79: 1-13, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2014.11.007

  • Young, K. L., Lafrenière, M.J., Lamoureux, S.F., Abnizova, A., Miller, E., 2015. Seasonal stream regimes and Multi-Year water budgets of hillslope catchments at Polar Bear Pass and Cape Bounty, Nunavut Including Comparisons to other small Arctic Watershed Studies, Hydrology Research, 46: 533–550.

2014 - 2013

  • Favaro, E.A. and Lamoureux, S.F., 2014. Antecedent Controls on Rainfall Runoff Response and Sediment Transport in a High Arctic Catchment. Geografiska Annaler: Series A 96: 433-446. doi: 0.1111/geoa.12063.

  • Lamoureux, S.F., M.J. Lafrenière, and E.A. Favaro, 2014. Erosion dynamics following localized permafrost slope disturbances, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL060677.

  • Lamoureux, S.F. and Lafrenière, M.J., 2014. Seasonal fluxes and age of particulate organic carbon exported from Arctic catchments impacted by localized permafrost slope disturbances. Environmental Research Letters, 9, 045002, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/9/4/045002

  • Lafrenière, M.J., and Lamoureux, S.F., 2013. Thermal perturbation and rainfall runoff have greater impact on seasonal solute loads than physical disturbance of the active layer. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 24: 241-251.

  • Bonnaventure, P. and Lamoureux, S.F., 2013. The Active Layer: A Conceptual Review of Monitoring, Modelling Techniques and Changes in a Warming Climate, Progress in Physical Geography, 37: 352-376.

  • Rudy, A.C.A., Lamoureux, S.F., Treitz, P., Collingwood, A., 2013. Identifying permafrost slope disturbance using multi-temporal optical satellite images and change detection techniques. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 88: 37–49, 10.1016/j.coldregions.2012.12.008.

  • Lafrenière, M.J., Laurin. E. and Lamoureux, S.F., 2013. The impact of snow accumulation on the active layer thermal regime in High Arctic soils, Vadose Zone Journal, 12: vzj2012.0058, doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0058.

  • Jouve G., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S., Provencher-Nolet, L., Hahn, A. and Haberzettl, T., Fortin, D., Nuttin, L. and others, 2013. Microsedimentological characterization using image analysis and mu-XRF as indicators of sedimentary processes and climate changes during Lateglacial at Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Quaternary Science Reviews. 71: 191--204.

Before 2012

  • Beylich, A.A., Decaulne, A., and Lamoureux, S.F., 2012. The SEDIBUD (Sediment Budgets in Cold Environments) Programme: ongoing activities and selected key tasks for the coming years, Geomorphology, 167-8: 2-3, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.05.027

  • Lapointe, F., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S.F., Said, M. and Cuven, S., 2012. 1750 years of large rainfall events inferred from particle size at East Lake, Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology, 48: 159-173.

  • Kaufman, D.S., Axford, Y., Anderson, R.S., Lamoureux, S.F., Schindler, D.E., Walker, I.R. and Werner, A., 2012. A multi-proxy record of the Last Glacial Maximum and last 14,500 years of paleoenvironmental change at Lone Spruce Pond, southwestern Alaska. Journal of Paleolimnology, 48: 9-26.