As you wrap up your first year in university, many of you may be planning to live on your own or with roommates for the first time. While ramen and kraft dinner may be tempting, cooking nutritious meals at home can be simple and affordable.

Here are some resources and quick tips as you spread your wings and fly!

  1. Start with some kitchen staples. These ingredients are nutritious and versatile.
    1. Whole grain oats – try overnight oats or cook a batch ahead.
    2. Canned fish – add to your salad, sandwich, or top on a cracker.
    3. Plain yogurt – use in place of sour cream, in a dressing, and more.
    4. Hummus – store-bought or homemade, there are many varieties to suit your preferences.
    5. Frozen fruits and vegetables – toss in smoothies, soups, stir fry, and more!
    6. Pre-washed salad greens – toss into a smoothie, tomato sauce, or use in a salad.
    7. Eggs – an economical protein source, great as part of a meal or a snack.
    8. Canned beans and lentils – meatless meals are budget friendly and nutritious.
    9. Nut butter – healthy fats and protein make it a perfect addition to your snack.
    10. Whole grain brown rice or pasta – with its long shelf life, it’s a helpful addition to round out your plate with protein and vegetables.
  2. Store your produce to last longer.
  3. Plan meals ahead. Planning an entire week can feel daunting. Start with just two meals, and once you get comfortable, plan further in advance.
  4. There is no shortage of recipes online. Find your favourite website or two and use them as your source of inspiration.
  5. Get creative with leftovers.
  6. Cook on a budget. Try out budget-friendly apps, such as Flashfood, or use websites like

Visit the Health Promotion office for more information about Mason Jar Meals, Fresh Food Boxes, Cooking Classes, and other helpful tips and tricks.

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