Course Description: Film concentrators entering their third year many apply to undertake a practical internship in media production, criticism or curatorship. All internships are approved in advance by application to the Undergraduate Coordinator on a case by case basis. Note: Credit for this course must be arranged prior to your employment. Course credit will NOT be granted for work already completed.
Your completed application form must be submitted to the Chair of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Film and Media, Dan Vena(, on or before the first day of classes in the term for which credit will be granted.
What is the purpose of this course?
FILM 395* provides opportunities for students to receive academic credit for practical work that is closely related to their studies at Queen's.
Are you eligible?
Film concentrators with 3.0 film credits successfully completed may apply for FILM 395*. Acceptance of your application, however, is not automatic (see below).
How do you find an employer?
It is up to you to find and contact the employer/supervisor you want to work with. Your supervisor must be willing to write a brief report on your activities at the end of the internship. See Internship Opportunities in Film and Media for web links that may be helpful in your search.
What kinds of jobs are appropriate for a 395 internship?
The work you are planning to do must be challenging. We expect that you will be learning new skills, not doing something you already know how to do. Filing, craft services and driving are not acceptable jobs for 395. Also the internship must not conflict with your other courses.
When can you take 395?
FILM 395* can be taken in any term. During the fall or winter terms we would expect the work to be done in Kingston. During the fall and winter terms the internship must not conflict in any way with your other courses. In the spring or summer terms, non-Kingston locations are possible.
How many hours would you have to work?
You are expected to work a MINIMUM of 100 hours, preferably more, between specified dates. You are expected to comport yourself appropriately for the job. Remember that you represent not only yourself to your employer and co-workers, but also the film department.
Do you get paid?
FILM 395* students usually work without payment, but some kind of subsistence wage or honorarium is acceptable (at the discretion of your employer), especially if you have living expenses working outside Kingston.
How will you be evaluated?
Students will prepare a 15 min recorded slideshow presentation that covers the initial expectations and goals for the internship; the initial skills the student hoped to gain or practice; a description of the internship including duties, projects, and timelines; a highlight of one major project or accomplishment completed during the internship; an example of work related to the highlighted project; a discussion of challenges faced during the internship and how they were overcome; and a discussion of the skills gained/overall experience.
Your supervisor must agree to provide Film and Media with a written evaluation of your work soon after the completion date. A faculty advisor will take your own comments, as well as your employer's, and provide a Pass or Fail mark for the course.
How do you apply?
Fill out the attached application form and, on a separate sheet, write us a brief description of the internship you wish to propose. Include details about who your supervisor will be, where you will be working, what you will be doing and why this apprenticeship will be useful to you. When writing this proposal you should take into consideration the points raised in these guidelines. Please send these forms to Dan Vena at
How will we evaluate your application?
When we decide whether to approve your 395 application we look at the quality of the internship opportunity. We ask, Is it a good fit for you at this stage in your studies and are you learning valuable skills? We also look at your academic record to make sure you are a student in good standing. Please attach an up to date copy of your academic record (an official transcript is not necessary) to your application.