Ephraim Asili

Start Date

Tuesday November 14, 2023

End Date

Friday November 17, 2023


2:00 pm - 1:30 pm


 Ephraim Asili: Afrodiasporic Filmmaking, The Black Radical Tradition, Art Activism, Radical Documentary Practice, Sound Cultures

Dates: Nov 14th~17th

Provisionary schedule: 

Tues 14th - 2pm class visit FILM 320

Weds 15th - evening screening / Q&A at the Screening Room

Thurs 16th - afternoon workshop (theme tbd)

Fri 17th - 1130~130 public conversation coinciding with FILM 810/910

Sponsoring fund: Dunning Visitorship

Brief bio:

Ephraim Asili is an African American artist, filmmaker, writer, DJ, and traveler whose work focuses on the African diaspora as a cultural force. His childhood and adolescence were imbued with hip-hop music, Hollywood movies, and television. Often inspired by his day-to-day wanderings, Asili creates art that situates itself as a series of meditations on the everyday. Asili is currently the director of the Film and Electronic Arts Program at Bard College, where he is also an associate professor teaching film production and film studies.