Queen's Carbon Footprint Report 2023

Facilties is proud to announce the completion of the Queen's Carbon Footprint report for the year of 2023. Read about Queen's energy performance last year, and the steps we took to reduce our carbon footprint.
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Construction, operations and maintenance

We construct, operate and maintain the buildings, grounds and infrastructure of Queen's University to the highest possible standard.

Our staff cover almost every trade in commercial construction, maintenance  and property management fields. We work together to keep all of the campus buildings running smoothly, clean, and a great place to learn and conduct research.

We also look after all new construction and renovation on campus and have a team that is dedicated to maintaining over 140 acres of lawns, trees, flowers and sidewalks throughout the four seasons. Facilities is also responsible for providing and maintaining parking areas around campus.

Current Projects

John Deutsch University Centre Revitalization

Canadian Architect magazine recognized the proposed design for a revitalized John Deutsch University Centre (JDUC) with a 2019 Award of Excellence recently. For 53 years, the annual award program has highlighted exceptional architectural projects during the design stage.

Prize jurors lauded the plans for its sustainability features, its focus on increasing accessibility, and for seamlessly blending historic and contemporary design.

A new vision for the new JDUC A new vision for the new JDUC

Duncan McArthur Hall

The university is set to begin a redevelopment of Duncan McArthur Hall in May 2024. The work includes expanding and enhancing the East wing of the building, with work expected to be completed for September 2025.

All newly renovated areas and expansion of the facility will meet Queen's Accessible Facility Design Standards, as well as Queen's Building Standards regarding environmental sustainability. This includes energy efficiency targets, air quality, and low impact materials selection intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Duncan McArthur Project Details Duncan McArthur Project Details

Agnes Etherington Art Centre

The Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen’s University is set to become the largest public university-affiliated museum in Canada. A new three-floor building will double the amount of current gallery space at the museum.

The Agnes is home to The Bader Collection - the most comprehensive collection of authenticated paintings by Rembrandt van Rijn and his circle in any institution within Canada.

Agnes’s current physical space closed effective March 29, 2024. Construction will begin on May 13, 2024, with the new space scheduled to open in 2026.

Agnes Reimagined Project Details Agnes Reimagined Project Details


The Climate Adaptive infraStructure Testing and Longevity Evaluation (CASTLE) Innovation Cluster laboratory will be a brand-new revolutionary civil engineering infrastructure testing facility built on West Campus in partnership with the Royal Military College.

The CASTLE lab will include the world’s only large cyclic triaxial soil strength testing apparatus, and a new 6-m diameter centrifuge capable of accelerating payloads of 1,500 kg up to 100 times Earth’s gravity.

Construction has begun in August 2024, and the project is expected to reach completion in Febuary of 2026.

CASTLE Lab Project Details CASTLE Lab Project Details