Please join us for the next School of Environmental Studies Colloquium of the 2023/24 academic year, on Thursday October 5 at 2:30 pm featuring Mike Hendren, Regional Vice-President, Ontario Region, Nature Conservancy of Canada.

Date and time: Thursday October 5, 2:30 – 4 pm in Kinesiology Rm 106

Title: The current and future role of land trusts in conservation.

Mike Hendren has a keen interest in community, business and organizational development. He grew up in a family business environment and completed a business administration degree from Trent University and a master's degree in urban and regional planning from Queen’s University. He is also a registered professional planner. His volunteer, academic and work experiences span all three sectors and blend his interests in business and community development with a focus on real estate, urban planning, fundraising and conservation.

For nine years, Mike led the Kawartha Land Trust as executive director. During his tenure there, he led the development of the organization, its mission and structure. Kawartha Land Trust is now recognized as a community leader with strong and diverse resources, a committed team of volunteers, partners and core staff, as well as a proven track record in achieving collaborative community and capital projects in excess of $5 million. Mike is currently, Regional Vice-President, Ontario Region, Nature Conservancy of Canada.

Mike recently completed two terms as chair of the board of the Ontario Land Trust Alliance and, while he sometimes dabbles in music, Mike spends much of his free time in the outdoors, primarily in his own backyard of the Kawarthas with his family and friends.

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