Hugh McCullum (1976-1977)
Nov 02, 1976
“Institutionalized Violence: A Northern Perspective” Hugh McCullum was an activist and journalist. He was born and raised in the Yukon. After working with a number of local newspaper, He was the first layperson to be editor of Canadian Churchman, the national monthly of [...]
Robin Bourne (1976-1977)
Nov 01, 1976
“Violence and Political Authority” Robin Bourne was Assistant Deputy Minister of the Police and Security Planning and Analysis Branch at the Ministry of the Solicitor General from 1971-1979. The Police and Security Planning and Analysis Branch was responsible for the [...]
William Irwin Thompson (1976-1977)
Oct 26, 1976
“The Meta-Industrial Village: A Strategy for Survival and Cultural Evolution” William Irwin Thompson was an American social philosopher, cultural critic, and poet. He was professor of humanities at MIT and later at York University. He was the author of books including At [...]
Keith Spicer (1975-1976)
Feb 09, 1976
“Official Languages in Canada” Keith Spicer is a Canadian public servant, academic, journalist, and author. From 1970-77, Spicer was the first Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada. He was appointed Commissioner by Pierre Eliot Trudeau and was mandated to uphold [...]
John White (1975-1976)
Feb 06, 1976
“Humanizing Government Policy” John White was a Progressive Conservative politician. He was a provincial cabinet minister in Ontario and Member of Provincial Parliament for London South from 1959 to 1975. During his career in provincial parliament, he was appointed chair of [...]
Eric Kierans and Keith Davey (1975-1976)
Jan 30, 1976
“The Canadian Economy” Eric Kierans was a Canadian economist, politician, and businessman. After graduating from Loyola College and McGill University, he was director of McGill’s School of Commerce from 1953-1960, president of the Montreal Stock Exchange from 1960-1963, and [...]
Louis Applebaum and Harold Town (1975-1976)
Jan 20, 1976
“Creating a Climate for Creativity” In this Dunning Trust event, Louis Applebaum gave a short address, followed by a reply from Harold Town. The event revolved primarily around the question of how to create an environment to support the arts and artists in Canada, including [...]
Donald Creighton (1975-1976)
Jan 14, 1976
“The Individual and the Welfare State” Donald Creighton was a historian and author. After completing graduate work at the University of Oxford, he returned to Canada to teach history at the University of Toronto in 1927, where he remained for his entire career. He was chair [...]
Doris Anderson (1974-1975)
Jan 15, 1975
“Woman’s Role – A Time of Redefinition” Doris Anderson was editor of Chatelaine, Canada’s largest circulation magazine and a champion of women’s rights. Born in Calgary in 1925, she grew up and was educated in Alberta, earning her BA at the University of Alberta. In 1951, [...]
Elizabeth Hardwick (1974-1975)
Jan 14, 1975
“Fame, Romance, and Money -Thoughts on Women Writers” Elizabeth Hardwick was a novelist, essayist, and outstanding literary critic and editor. Born in Kentucky in 1917, she studied at the University of Kentucky and Columbia University. She taught at Barnard College, [...]
Juliet Mitchell (1974-1975)
Jan 13, 1975
“Femininity and Feminism” Juliet Mitchell is an internationally known psychoanalyst, scholar, feminist and author. Born in New Zealand in 1940, Juliet Mitchell moved to England shortly afterward. She was educated at Lausanne University, Switzerland, and St. Anne’s College, [...]
Paul Gérin-Lajoie (1974-1975)
Nov 28, 1974
“The Development Crises and the Canadian Dilemma” Paul Gérin-Lajoie was President of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). He was born in Montreal in 1920, and studied at Université de Montreal and Oxford University. He served as Quebec’s first Minister of [...]