Poll Everywhere

Tool Overview:

Poll Everywhere is a polling tool that can be used to create multiple-choice, open-ended, clickable images, Q&A, ranking, and survey activities to measure audience participation both synchronously and asynchronously

Queen's Security Assessment completed: Yes


  • Create different types of polling activities for different purposes/for different stages of the learning sequence (ex., prior knowledge or synthesis knowledge check)
  • Customize how the audience responds (anonymous or name required) and how many times they can respond
  • Moderation settings to filter profanity and emojis
  • Ability to preview and test polls before activating
  • Add-on to embed directly in PowerPoint slides
  • Can share using embed code so students can respond and view results all within the course webpage
  • Visual settings to customize colours, fonts, background, and display features


  • PowerPoint integration for Mac can be temperamental
  • When embedding activities in a D2L content page can cause issues with navigation jumping down the page to the activity
  • Very limited options in the free version
  • The default setting deactivates activities after one day
  • Responses to word cloud activity will treat each word as a separate response, so the response "backward design" would show backward and design as two separate responses

This tool is available to: Free/Subscription Required, Student license must be purchased

This tool can be integrated with: LMS Integration

Gradebook Integration: N/A

Gradebook can be exported: Yes

Classlist full integration with onQ: Yes

Class roster and groups need to be updated manually if onQ changes: No


To view accessibility information, see: Poll Everywhere Accessibility

Support available through: Vendor Support

To view the tool's privacy policy, see: Poll Everywhere Privacy