The Martello Papers are a monograph series of security studies. Taking their name from the distinctive towers built during the nineteenth century to defend Kingston, the Martello Papers cover a wide range of topics and issues relevant to contemporary international strategic relations.

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Martello Papers

Recent Editions

Ian Parenteau

Edited by: Ian Parenteau Ph.D

The Impact of Contemporary Tensions, Conflicts and War on Regional and International Security: Subtitle: Case Studies

Series 49 | Published Feb. 2025 | 69  pp

These papers were presented at the International Forum on Peace, Security and Prosperity (IFPSP) held in Palermo, Sicily, March 2024. The theme of the event was ‘The Impact of Contemporary Tensions, Conflicts and War on Large International Institutions.’ This event brings university and military academy students from all over the world, as well as professors and researchers with an interest in the broad topic of peace, security and prosperity. The 2024 edition drew more than 350 participants from five continents. At a time when the global security situation has been deteriorating for several years and geopolitical tensions are generating very real fractures in the post-war liberal order, the forum is an opportunity for participants to examine together these issues. In addition, the forum gives participants a chance to identify the main causes of contemporary conflicts as well as the methods of prevention and containment from the perspective of positive peace.

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Kim Nossal

Edited by: Kim Richard Nossal

Canada’s Defence Challenges in the Indo-Pacific

Series 48 | Published Oct. 2024 | 69  pp

In the fall of 2022, the Canadian government announced a new approach to the Indo-Pacific region. Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS) asserted that there were tectonic changes in global politics underway—a “once-in-a-generation global shift that requires a generational Canadian response.” But what kind of change in Canadian defence policy was the IPS calling for? Would it involve restructuring the Canadian Armed Forces to meet the demands of the new geostrategic environment? If so, what would the budgetary implications of such a “generational response” be? To examine the defence policy implications of the IPS, the Centre for International and Defence Policy at Queen’s University and the Canadian Defence and Security Network headquartered at Carleton University co-hosted a workshop in January 2024. To guide and galvanize discussion at the workshop, ten experts in Canadian foreign and defence policy were invited to contribute brief reflections on the implications of the IPS for Canadian defence policy. Their briefs, reproduced in this Martello Paper, provide a useful set of policy perspectives for thinking about Canadian defence policy in the years ahead as Canadians are increasingly drawn into great power rivalries in the Indo-Pacific.

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Morgan Olivia Fox

Edited by: Morgan Olivia Fox

Canadian Defence Perspectives on Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Series 47 | Published Sept. 2024 | 54 pp

In Canadian Defence Perspectives on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, an anthology edited by Morgan-Olivia Fox, undergraduate and master’s level students explore the complexities of Canadian foreign policy amid Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine. This Martello Paper examines Canada’s response to Russia’s aggression, emphasizing its involvement in international organizations, its commitment to the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) and Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS) agendas, and the broader context of great power competition. Through a series of insightful essays, the contributors analyze the challenges Canada faces, from international law and security in the Arctic to the gendered aspects of Russia's invasion. This volume is not only a testament to the academic rigor of its young contributors but also a vital resource for understanding Canada’s strategic position in an increasingly volatile world.

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Howard Coombs

Edited by: Howard G. Coombs, Magali Deleuze, Kevin Brushett and Marie-Michèle Doucet

Peacekeeping: Perspectives Old and New

Series 46 | Published Apr. 2023 | 211 pp

2017 represented the 60th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Lester B. Pearson, then Canada’s Secretary of External Affairs and later Prime Minister, for his crucial role in organizing the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) to help resolve the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956. Pearson’s role in deploying peacekeepers to resolve the conflict was not only a crucial turning point in the institutionalization of United Nations (UN) peacekeeping, but it also began the long and proud history of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) of providing support to peace operations ever since. Equally important was the electoral promises of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to recommit Canada to a UN peacekeeping role after a decline in support during the governments of Stephen Harper and Paul Martin. For many Canadians, Trudeau’s aspirational catch phrase “We’re back!” led to a belief that their armed forces would reassume their traditional “Blue Helmet” roles in UN operations, including the deployment of Canadian soldiers to conflict regions. Indeed, Canada’s “return to peacekeeping” came at a time when many were beginning to reflect on peacekeeping’s future both in Canada and beyond, including the newly elected UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres who worried that the UN was “underperforming in conflict prevention, in peace operations, and in efforts to sustain peace.”

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Sean Maloney

by: Sean M. Maloney

Strategic Nuclear Force Signalling During the Russia-Ukraine Crisis: A Preliminary Analysis

Series 45 | Published Feb. 2023 | 94 pp

Signalling using strategic nuclear forces was thought to be an artifact of the Cold War. This Martello paper demonstrates that this is not so. Indeed, new forms of of information, especially social media, has altered and now merged with nuclear force signalling.

Weeks before the latest iteration of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, American, British, and French strategic nuclear forces were employed to backstop and underpin diplomatic and other efforts in an attempt to forestall escalation. Russian attempts to use strategic nuclear forces to generate docile compliance by the West failed in the face of these efforts. This preliminary analysis looks at this activity in the first half of 2022 during the initial stages of this phase of the Russo-Ukrainian war.

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Linna Tam-Seto

by: Linna Tam-Seto, Ph.D., O.T.Reg.(Ont.)

Framework for Women Mentorship in the Canadian Armed Forces (FWM-CAF)

Series 44 | Published Jan. 2023 | 123 pp

This study explores the possibility of a mentorship program for women in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Through a six-phase study including a scoping review, interviews, resource mining and review, framework development, resource development, and validation, the Framework for Women Mentorship in the CAF (FWM-CAF) was created. This Martello paper lays out the creation of the framework using the interview data from 28 initial interviewees (mostly women) and eight additional validation interviewees (an equal number of men and women). After an extensive scoping review of the literature on mentorship in military, military adjacent and policing organizations, interviews were held with subject matter experts in mentorship as well as Canadian service-women and Veterans who had served or are serving as mentors and mentees. The interview data revealed overall support for the idea of program specifically for women in the CAF, as interviewees expressed their positive experiences with the network and community-building that mentorship can provide, especially in male-dominated organizations such as the military.

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Previous Editions

Series Title Author/Editor Year Download


Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy And Women, Peace and Security Norms

Charlotte F. Blatt


PDF [1.4 mb]


Understanding the Impact of Surveillance and Security Measures on Muslim Men in Canada

Comprende l'impact des mesures de surveillance et de sécurité sur les hommes musulmans au Canada

Taasum Akseer


PDF [1.1 mb]

PDF [1.2 mb]


Bilateral Agendas: Canadian Foreign Policy on the Ground

Louis A. Delvoie


PDF [760 kb]


Perspectives on the Politics of Borders and Belonging 
A collection of contributed papers from the Political Studies Graduate Student Association’s inaugural annual conference

Marin Beck, Bailey Gerrits, Alexandra Leibich, Rebecca Wallace

2017 PDF [695 kb]


"Til Death Do Us Part"? Sanctuary of Ideas, Committed Actors, and Lifetime Rulership in Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon and Togo 

W.R. Nadège Compaoré

2015 PDF [500kb]


Canada and the Netherlands in Afghanistan​​​​

Joseph T. Jockel 2014 PDF [711 kb]


Evolving Transnational Threats and Border Security: A New Research Agenda

Évolution des menaces transnationales et sécurité frontalière : un nouveau programme de recherche

eds. Christian Leuprecht, Todd Hataley, Kim Richard Nossal 2012 English
PDF [1.3 mb]

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Canada and the Kosovo Crisis: An Agenda for Intervention 

Michael W. Manulak

2011 PDF [598 kb]

Series Title Author/Editor Year Download


DARFUR: Reflections on the Crisis and the Responses  

J. Andrew Grant

2009 PDF [1.2 mb]


Reviving Realism in the Canadian Defence Debate

Philippe Lagassé and Paul Robinson

2008 PDF [643 kb]


EUFOR RD Congo: A Misunderstood Operation?

Lieutenant-Colonel Helmut Fritsch 2008 PDF [373 kb]


Untangling NATO Transformation 

Stephen J. Mariano

2007 PDF [255 kb]


NATO Enlargement and the Politics of Identity 

Daniel Braun

2007 PDF [352 kb]


ESDP and German Contributions: Back on Earth? 

Lieutenant-Colonel Helmut Fritsch 2006 PDF [301 kb]


Unfair Play: Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, the UK and the EU 

Costas Melakopides

2006 PDF [386 kb]


North American Security: America's Response, Canada's Role

LCol Jeffrey Turner, LCol Bruce Johnson, LCol David Miller

2005 PDF [802 kb]


The Roots of Soft Power: The Trudeau Government, De-NATOization and Denuclearization 

Sean M. Maloney

2005 PDF [635 kb]


Toward a Regional Approach to Human Security in Southern Africa 

Alhaji M.S. Bah

2004 PDF [247 kb]


The Transatlantic Link in Evolution: What has Changed Since 11 September 2001?

Charles C. Pentland 

2003 PDF [222 kb]


War with Iraq: Canada's Strategy in the Persian Gulf ​

Sean M. Maloney  2002 PDF [318 kb]

Series Title Author/Editor Year Download


What NATO for Canada? 

David G. Haglund  2000 PDF [317 kb]


Is France Still a Great Power? 

Pascal Boniface  2000 PDF [222 kb]


Canada, the US and Cuba: Helms-Burton and Its Aftermath

Heather N. Nicol 1999 PDF [373 kb]


The United Nations and Mandate Enforcement: Congo Somalia and Bosnia 

Jane Boulden  1999 PDF [336 kb]


Canada and the Future of Collective Defence ​ 

David L. Bashow  1998 PDF [213 kb]


From Ottawa to Sarajevo: Canadian Peacekeepers in the Balkans

Dawn M. Hewitt 1998 PDF [434 kb]


The Americanization of Peacekeeping: Implications for Canada 

Joel J. Sokolsky  1997 PDF [176 kb]


Informing the Blue Helmets: The United States, UN Peace Operations, and the Role of Intelligence ​

Robert E. Rehbein 1996 PDF [338 kb]