Update on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace, and Security agenda

Update on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace, and Security agenda

Update on the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace, and Security agenda


Thursday January 28, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm



This lecture will examine the CAF/DND WPS agenda and the implementation of UNSCR 1325 focusing on CAF/DND strategy, including the institutional and the operational lines of effort. Furthermore, the presentation will look at the key achievements, the challenges remaining and will conclude with a few recommendations on the way-forward. 

Lise BourgonBrigadier-General M.H.L. (Lise) Bourgon, OMM, MSC, CD

Canadian Forces Visiting Defence Fellow, 2020-21

Brigadier-general Lise Bourgon joined the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 1987 and received her pilot wing following graduation from College Militaire Royal de St-Jean in 1992. 

As a helicopter pilot, she was assigned to 423 Maritime Helicopter Squadron in Shearwater, Nova Scotia where she deployed on numerous Royal Canadian Navy deployments. She also served as an instructor with 406 Maritime Operational Training Squadron (OTS). Operational tours included Detachment Commander on HMCS Montreal during a 6-month tour and the Joint Task Force (JTF) Commander for OP IMPACT, the first Canadian female to serve in that position. 

Leadership opportunities included the command of 406 Maritime OTS, the Maritime Helicopter Wing in Shearwater and the Canadian Task Force assigned to OP INHERENT RESOLVE. 

Staff positions have included project management, Executive Assistant to the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Liaison Officer at the NATO Air Headquarters in Ramstein, Germany, Director General Operations at the Canada Joint Operational Command and Director General Operations at the Strategic Joint Staff. She is currently assigned as the Defence Fellow at the Centre for International Defence and Policy at Queen’s University. She is also the Women, Peace, and Security Champion for the CAF.  

BGen Bourgon is a graduate of Air Warfare College, holds a Master Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University and a Master's in Public Administration from Royal Military College of Canada

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