Philomene Kocher

Administration Assistant - Retired '24


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Phil's dedication to supporting others is evident in every interaction she has. She consistently takes the time to engage in thoughtful conversations with students, staff, and faculty, actively listening to their concerns and providing empathetic support. Her ability to connect with everyone, regardless of their role or background, is truly remarkable. Phil's genuine compassion, understanding, and kindness create a warm, caring space for all whose lives she touches. Her unwavering commitment to fostering a kinder and more positive environment within our organization has left an indelible mark on us all. Her genuine care and empathy shine through, particularly when supporting students in crisis - especially mature students who face unique challenges. Her ability to help them overcome barriers and find success in their studies is truly commendable.

Phil's thoughtful gesture of placing fresh flowers on the front desk counter at ASO has had a profound impact. These blooms not only beautify the space but also uplifts the spirits of walk-in students. Their smiles and improved mood are a testament to Phil's dedication to creating a welcoming atmosphere.

As a poet, Phil infuses creativity and inspiration into our workplace. Each April, she organizes a heartwarming initiative for 'Poetry Month' in which staff are invited to participate. Those who sign up eagerly anticipate receiving a daily poem from Phil throughout the month. These carefully selected poems range from deep and reflective to joyful and whimsical. Her thoughtful curation speaks to the diverse emotions and experiences we all navigate. Her commitment to this voluntary project uplifts our spirits and fosters a sense of community.

Phil's energy and unwavering commitment to others serve as a lifeline for many staff members. Her genuine care and the poetry she shares act as a beacon, guiding us through difficult moments.

Anonymous Students

To me, mental health is knowing that I have options, and the self-kindness and courage I need to choose the best option in the moment. I support student mental health by trying to be kind in all my interactions.

--- Ms. Philomene Kocher