The Queen's Student Mental Health Collectove is a caucus of student leaders who are working to advance student mental health. The network is a forum through which members share information, collaborate, and provide input to support the development of unit or club-based initiatives, as well as university priorities and commitments, including the implementation of the National Standard of Canada for Mental-Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students, and the broader work of the Campus Wellbeing Framework, aligned with new institutional Strategic Framework.

Terms of Reference
The Student Mental Health Collective is coordinated through the Office of the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs, with support from Health Promotion and the Campus Wellness Project team.
The Student Mental Health Collective will act as a sounding board for emerging topics and timely mental-health-related issues, as a panel from which to create task-specific action teams that serve to ensure coordinated, effective outcomes, and a mechanism to raise awareness of policies, resources, services, and supports in place across campus that promote positive student mental health and well-being.
We welcome students leaders who are working to advance student mental health. Membership to be confirmed shortly.