Image of Kandice Baptiste

Kandice Baptiste

Senior Director


Student Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

People Directory Affiliation Category

I showed up to Kandice's office once out of the blue one day. Truthfully, I can't remember why but I'm glad I did. I do remember how safe I felt in her office for the first time in a very long time. I was able to speak, sob and let it all out in which I'd been finding it very hard to speak before then. Kandice listened, showed empathy and shared creation stories from her culture which I found to be very healing. I don't know if that was even within her job description but I am really really really really grateful for it - I really appreciated it.

Anonymous Student

It's my understanding that we need to tend to all aspects of our health - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual - in order to be well. For a long time in my life I ignored my mental health and solely focused on my physical health. I hope to take the lessons of my ancestors to ensure that I'm on the right path and being well.

Acknowledge the role that different and multiple forms of oppression take in student's mental health is important. It's critical to me as a leader to open up conversations about how to navigate spaces that aren't meant for people like us and the extra burden that places on students. Students need to be hear and know that it's not their failings, but rather ours, that causes the burden and it's our job to help carry it.

--- Kandice Baptiste