Image of Francesco Ambrogi

Francesco Ambrogi

Teaching Fellow


Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

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Ambrogi is always open to hearing feedback about his course and is always receptive to proposals and suggestions. He is aware of his students' well-being and actively tries to support students. He is a great educator who is great at teaching. He is also a friendly person who is always open to new ideas and suggestions.

Anonymous Student

Using a music similitude, imagine a piano trio (piano, violin, and cello). Every single instrument plays its part and contributes to a beautiful equilibrium which results in outstanding and captivating music. That is exactly what mental health is to me: the perfect equilibrium between the physiological, social, and emotional well-being of an individual. When the mental health trio plays in harmony, the individual thrives in the society, realizes their full potential, and most importantly, defeats stress and anxiety in everyday life.

The way I support mental health is by 'listening' to my students. I am always ready to receive feedback, and I learn from the 'not-so-positive' but 'constructive' ones. I am always happy to implement changes in my teaching style or course content if I realized that students' well-being can be improved. Educators have a crucial role in enhancing students' mental health. I will not stress this enough, but the way students learn rapidly changes every year, and not all students learn the same or at the same rate. As educators, we must make sure that we give every student the chance to succeed respecting their own learning process.

--- Francesco Ambrogi