Image of Greg Van Anders

Greg Van Anders

Assistant Professor


Department of Physics

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Professor Van Anders makes himself available to his students and is very inclusive. He makes sure everyone understands the material and emphasizes that no question is a stupid question. He tries to go slow when explaining material and tries very hard to create a positive work environment. He is a very relatable person who tries to make meaningful connections with his students, as he often asks students how they're doing and how their week went.

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Humanity faces many, huge challenges, and our program aims to help our students gain the skills and knowledge they will need to move us forward. To do that we, expose students to learning at a level of intensity most have not experienced before. Understandably, many students find that disorienting, and how they manage their feelings around that has a huge affect on their learning and their health. I think that supporting our students in their growth is incredibly important for each of them individually, and for all of us collectively.

I try to think of my students as people first and students second. I try to create opportunities in class to talk directly to students so that I can support their learning wherever they are at.

--- Dr. Greg Van Anders