Image of Alicia Papanicolaou

Alicia Papanicolaou



School of Nursing

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Alicia is always checking in with her students each week before lecture starts to ensure that they are functioning well, both physically and mentally. It's clear she's not only passionate about maternal-newborn nursing and nursing education but also, about student health and well-being. She really made it a point to get to know students' names and went above and beyond to support student's academic journeys. Alicia is a very kind, caring, and devoted professor who always advocates for her students. Her lectures provide safe, welcoming learning environments for students to flourish and grow into future nurses and healthcare leaders.

Anonymous Student

Mental health is an important part of our well-being that extends through various stages of our lives.

Our overall health is equally impacted by our physical and mental health, so it is important to spend time attending to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. For me, this also means extending self-compassion and recognizing the value in being "still" in a world driven often by productivity.

In both the classroom and clinical settings, I aim to make genuine connections with students. These interpersonal relationships make my teaching role meaningful. As an educator, I aim to cultivate an inclusive environment where each student feels valued, respected, and supported. I make an effort to acknowledge their accomplishments and celebrate in their personal and professional growth. When students reach out with concerns, I am responsive and help navigate some of the resources available on campus. I make efforts to follow up with students with check in's on their health and well being.

--- Alicia Papanicolaou