Sophia Linton
Teaching Assistant
School of Medicine
Sophia Linton is an advocate for student mental health. She is provided helpful advice and guided us to set us all up for success in the class. She is easy to talk to and very kind, always willing to help in whatever way possible: "I hope you are all taking care of yourselves. I know the first couple weeks of Grad School are tough. Reach out to me if you need anything, I am here for you!"
Sophia supports students, not only in terms of academics but in terms of their mental wellbeing. While this year has been challenging, Sophia's support has been invaluable for my mental health and wellbeing!
Anonymous Student
For me, mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It also means something that changes over time and is essential for our overall health.
In my role, I can support student mental health in two major ways. The first way I support student mental health is by working with program leadership to make their learning environment a safe space. The second way I support students is by drawing on my own experiences to show empathy and guidance. As educators, I feel that we are responsible for listening to students and keeping their emotional, psychological, and social well-being at the forefront of our minds at all times.
--- Sophia Linton