Dr. Stevenson Fergus
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies
Dr. Stevenson Fergus is extremely considerate and understanding of his student's mental health and what they may be going through. He is knowledgeable about sensitive content that may be triggering within courses. He encourages students to put their mental health first and provides resources for help and shows kindness and empathy to his students when they are being faced with adversity.
Anonymous Student
Good mental health works together with and contributes to physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual wellbeing. It helps us cope with stressors and realize personal and professional goals and ambitions.
In addition to the work in whatever class we are teaching, university students have a great deal going on academically, socially, and otherwise. This has been particularly so during the pandemic. As educators, it is our responsibility to be compassionate towards students when they have difficulties and accommodate them as best we can while maintaining academic standards. At the same time, we aren't mental health professionals so it is important for us to be aware of and refer students to campus and community mental health resources when necessary.
I have struggled with depression and anxiety myself, and understand how debilitating poor mental health can be.
--- Dr. Stevenson Fergus