Image of Dr. Ping Li

Dr. Ping Li

Adjunct Professor


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

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Professor Ping Li is very supportive of student wellbeing; she consistently provides assistance and office hours to drop by and discuss anything course-related or general help. She is incredibly easy to talk to and is always there to answer student emails and concerns immediately. She is accommodating in her course, which promotes a positive space for student mental health. She acknowledges the strain that most students experience during a difficult full-year course, so she provides multiple opportunities to be examined and provides the option to drop your lowest score on quizzes and webwork. This form of flexibility relieves the pressure and promotes student care and wellbeing! She is caring and very understanding! She is always there to clarify answers and will walk you through problems or difficult course concepts. This type of attention by a professor allows students to feel comfortable taking math courses and promotes a healthy learning environment.

Anonymous Student

To me, mental health means we support our students in developing a positive sense of wellbeing. Supporting student mental health also means we ensure students' special accommodations are implemented correctly; to check with students who have special needs about changes of their accommodations to personalize the course deliverables to fit students learning styles; to cooperate with Student Service and follow their instructions; to identify students who are experiencing difficulties. 

--- Dr. Ping Li