John-Kurt Pliniussen
Dr. John-Kurt cares about student mental health, he was extremely helpful throughout the whole course and was the most responsive and kind Professor that I've had so far. His videos were incredibly entertaining and he always responded to my crazy, late-night emails when I felt anxious about assignments and had an abundance of questions.
When I was stressed about an assignment, he reassured me that I was okay and I need not worry. He helped my mental health as he continued to provide reassurance. He was consistently kind and offered many resources and extensions in case students were overwhelmed.
Anonymous Student
I think student mental health is a state of well-being in which my students can realize their own abilities, can manage the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and are able to make a positive contribution to his or her school life. It is also providing my students with the knowledge that I have their best interests at heart, especially if and when unexpected challenges arise.
I support my students mental health by making sure my teaching assistants and I are available almost 24/7 if someone has a question or issue. I make sure I emphasize this in my course syllabus and weekly lectures.
People who feel good produce better results. MY job is to help students feel good about the course and their progress in the course.
--- Dr. John-Kurt Pliniussen