Robin Neish
Fourth Year Honours Thesis student 2021-2022
Grace Garvey
Biol 539 Research Mentorship student 2022
Aishy Krishnaraj
Fourth Year Honours Thesis student 2020-2021. Continued as an MSc student in Dr. Subodh Verma’s lab at St. Michael’s Hospital, Dept. of Pharmacology.
Kayleigh Casmey
Fourth Year Honours Thesis student (2020-2021) - Continued as an accelerated MSc student in my lab.
Sanaz Ghojeh Biglou
Fourth Year Honours Thesis (2019-2020) - Continued on as a MSc in my lab.
Bettina Camara
Lab Volunteer (2018-2019), Fourth Year Honours Thesis (2019-2020). Continued in an MSc in Immunology, University of Toronto
Abby Neville
Fourth Year Honours Thesis Student 2019-2020
Kayla Gaete
Fourth year honours thesis 2019-2020
Victoria Alfano
Fourth Year Honours Thesis student (2018-2019). Continued a MSc. with Dr. Ian Chin-Sang, Dept of Biology, Queen’s.
Alexandra Olson
Fourth Year Honours Thesis student (2018-2019). Continued as an MSc student with Dr. Roman Krawetz, McCraig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, University of Calgary.
Shelby Turner
Fourth Year Honours Thesis student (2018-2019)
Kirsten Wilson
Lab volunteer and Fourth Year Honours Thesis student (2017-2018). Continued in 2019 as an MSc. with Dr. Markus Geuking, Microbiology, University of Calgary.
Santyna Brar
Fourth Year Biology 537 student 2017-2018. Check out her youtube music video!! Santyna-My ship
Jennifer Bunn
St. Lawrence college Placement student and Summer Technician 2018.
Hilton Chiu
Fourth Year Biology 537 student 2015-2016. Currently a graduate student at Queen’s Biology and winner of the 2016 Best TA award.
Hava Starkman
BIol 537 Thesis Student 2014/2015. Left to become a Medical student in Australia.
Tony Roenspies
Research Technician 2014-2015 Moved to Ottawa to work with Dr. Antonio Colavita, Ottawa.
Lauren Polan-Couillard
Fourth year Biology 537 thesis 2013-2014 -Lauren is a co-author of a manuscript (see Campbell et al., 2016) Current position: Westjet flight attendant.
Boris Baitsov
Fourth year Biology 537 thesis 2012-2013. Current position: Boris went to complete the Master of Management of Innovation Program at UTM. Click on the program to see his page.
Jennilee Davidson
Fourth year Biol 537 thesis student 2011-2012 and Independent study student 2012-2013. Jennilee published a manuscript from her independent study (see Davidson et al, 2014 in Publications).Went on to as an MSc candidate; School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University. Currently in a PhD program in Sydney Australia.
Yumaine Chong
Fourth year Biology 537 thesis student 2009-2010 Continued in an MSc program at McGill University.
Kayla Poirier
St. Lawrence College Coop Student 2012-2013