The Ban Righ Centre assists women-identified students of all ages, especially those who are returning to university after a time away to continue formal or informal education.
The Centre is located on campus and is a hub of campus life for mature women students and mothers from diverse backgrounds, through which they can become part of a community of peers.
- Offers student advising, financial assistance, practical and personal support
- Promotes university resources (intellectual, scholastic, cultural, recreational)
- Facilitates the participation of women in campus functions
- Advocates on behalf of mature women students and student mothers
- Brings staff, faculty, and students together in an environment which encourages mutuality and equality
- Provides a continuing education program of speakers and visiting scholars open to the broader community
What's Happening at the BRC
Where Are They Now?
Check out the small sample of Ban Righ alumnae in our Where Are They Now? video. This video was debuted at our 50th Gala.
2025 Spring Awards
Save the Date for our annual Ban Righ Foundation Spring Celebration
This just might become your favourite place.
Our Commitment to Inclusivity
The Ban Righ Foundation is committed to fostering a culture of mutuality and equality.