Time to Check In

We would like to check in with you to make sure things are going smoothly with your online courses now that the term is almost half over and the March 5 deadline to drop a winter course without penalty nears. 

Please join Debby Leach, Online Academic Advisor and Lindsay Stoness, Student Engagement Lead, at our mid-term check in session on Tuesday, March 2 at 12pm EST or 7pm EST to connect with us and each other, and ask any questions you may have. We'd love to check in with you and see how you're doing so far this term at one of these sessions.

If you are unable to make it to one of our online sessions next Tuesday, please feel free to check in with us by email at asc.online@queensu.ca. We also encourage you to join the ASO Student Facebook Group if you haven't already. It's a great place to connect with your peers, ask questions, and form study groups.