Today's employment marketplace seeks people who are critically informed, culturally literate, capable of synthesizing information and adept at creating and managing knowledge. Study history online at Queen's with this general BA and you will acquire such skills while examining the roots of contemporary societies throughout the world.
Program Plan
The Bachelor of History program plan consists of 90.0 units. 60.0 of these units are electives which can be taken from any subject, at any level and in any order, as long you have (or obtain) the prerequisites for any 200 or 300-level courses. The other 30.0 units must be taken as described below.
- Courses may not be offered every term.
- It is recommended that all Option Courses be at the 200-level or above.
- A maximum of 6.00 units from courses offered by other Faculties and Schools may be counted toward the program and/or Plan requirements. This includes courses in BMED, COMM, GLPH, LAW, NURS and courses at Smith Engineering.
- This online program plan has been adapted from the official Faculty of Arts and Science E-Calendar to help online students identify only courses that are being offered online.
1. Core courses (6.0 units)
Complete 6.00 units from the following:
- BADR 100 (3.0 units): Thinking Locally
- BADR 101 (3.0 units): Acting Globally
- HIST 124 (6.0 units): Canada: A History of the Present
- HIST 125 (6.0 units): The Evolution of Modern Europe
2. Option courses (24.0 units)
- Complete 18.0 units of HIST at the 200-level or above (see list below)
- Complete 6.0 units of HIST at the 100- or 200-level (see list below)
3. Electives (60.0 units)
Selected from all ASO course offerings.
Total Units Required for HIST General Degree: 90.0 Units
Arts and Science Online Program Maps:
Explore your academic journey with the Arts and Science Online (ASO) Program Maps, crafted with Queen's Career Services that cover academics, extracurriculars, networking, and career development, along with other flexible recommendations for your unique path at Queen's. Scroll down to the Arts and Science Online section to find the HIST BA program map.