Digital Societies

CISC 181/3.0

A digital rendering of a city


This introductory course provides a broad overview and ethical implications of technological topics and trends in the digitalworld such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Social Networks, Security and Privacy, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). No programming experience is required.


Summer (July–August) 2024
Course Dates
Exam Dates (if applicable)
Delivery Mode


25% - Quizzes (best 5 out of 6)
25% - Labs (best 5 out of 6)
50% - Tehcnology and Society assignment (x3)

*Evaluation Subject to Change*

Textbook and Materials

All required reading material for CISC 181 will be posted on the course website.

Time Commitment

Students can expect to spend approximately 20 hours a week (120 hours per term) in study/practice and online activities for the course.