Basic Human Nutrition

HLTH 230/3.0

Apple and stethescope to represent human nutrition


This course is designed as an introduction to human nutrition. Nutrition is a science, and as such, it will require you to learn some basics of biology, chemistry, and most importantly, biochemistry and physiology. While nutrition has its roots in food, this is not a cooking class, but a class about food, the human body and their relationship. The course is meant to provide you with an overall understanding of how our bodies require and use nutrients, non-nutrients and how health status can be affected. You will hopefully gain an appreciation for how incredible the human body is.

Learning Outcomes

Students should come away with the following knowledge and skills after
completing HLTH 230:
  1. An understanding of the digestion and absorption of food and how the nutrients and non nutrients have roles in the body and can affect one’s health
  2. An appreciation of diet planning, dietary guidelines, and nutrition labeling and how these are important to health
  3. A broad knowledge base of the Influences and factors affecting bodyweight
New Learning Objectives for Winter 2022
  • Describe how food is digested and absorbed into the body 

  • Identify the roles of nutrients and non-nutrients in the body  

  • Plan meals for personal consumption demonstrating the importance of dietary guidelines, Dietary Reference Intakes, and nutrition labeling 

  • Assess a diet and recommend appropriate adaptations 

  • Investigate inter-relationships between food consumption, body weight change, anatomical function, and general health within the typical contexts 

Lesson Schedule

Unit 1Nutrition Overview, Food Choices and Guidelines
Unit 2Digestion and Foodborne Illness
Unit 3Carbohydrates and Alternative Sweeteners
Unit 4Protein and Vegetarian Diets
Unit 5The Lipids
Unit 6 & 7Vitamins, Minerals and Water
Unit 8Alcohol
Unit 9Energy Balance and Bodyweight
Final Exam to be written during Final Exam Period


Summer (May–July) 2025
Course Dates
Exam Dates (if applicable)
Delivery Mode


Instructor Message

Textbook and Materials

Time Commitment