

Dr. Antonia Behan in Lecture Series: Design and Material Culture in a Global World.

Dr. Antonia Behan gives her lecture, "Design and Material Culture in a Global World" on February 25, 2020.

GVCA & Art History DSC | Art History Social

The Graduate Visual Culture Association & the Art History DSC's Art History Social happens February 12, 2020.

Context & Meaning XIX: Hindsight 20/20

The GVCA's 19th annual graduate conference, Context & Meaning XIX: Hindsight 20/20, happens January 24-25, 2020.

Art History Graduate Seminar in Vienna

Interested in studying in Vienna this winter? From December 3-14, 2018, join instructor Prof. Ron Spronk for ARTH 844, Topics in Northern Renaissance Art, "The Hand of the Master; Materials and Techniques of Pieter Bruegel the Elder".

Art History Works-in-Progress Series

Talks are about 20 minutes each, followed by informal discussion. This is an opportunity to see current research of faculty and graduate students. Bring your lunch!

Julie Hollenbach: Unpacking the Living Room

Art History Graduate Curates Show!

Prof. Allison Morehead Lecture: "Sick Prints"

Art History Prof. Allison Morehead Lecture in London, UK