Dr. Aaron N. Shugar to give Bader Lecture in Art Conservation
Thursday March 17, 20222:00 pm - 3:00 pm
OnlineOn March 17, 2:00-3:00pm ET, Dr. Aaron Shugar will give a Bader Lecture in Art Conservation organized by the Department of Art History and Art Conservation.
Dr. Shugar, Andrew W. Mellon Professorship in Art Conservation at Buffalo State College, will present Advances in Analytical Imaging for use in the Study of Art and Cultural Heritage (abstract below).
The upcoming lecture happens via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 955 2708 8374
Passcode: 732703
Over the last century, there have been extensive developments in the use of scientific instrumentation for the investigation and analysis of art. These scientific and technical studies have led to a better understanding of artists’ methods, the development of the field of Art Conservation, and the characterization of an artist’s oeuvre which has been used for authentication studies and repatriation arguments. Modern advancements in technology and computational analysis have led to the further development of analytical imaging. Several examples will be presented demonstrating the value of analytical imaging for the in-depth scientific study of art, both for artistic interpretation and for the development of conservation research and treatment.