Books and Beyond

The can't-miss books, podcasts, films, and multimedia with a Queen's connection.

Fall 2020

  • Nelson Mandela: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works

    Aran MacKinnon, Artsci’88

    Aran MacKinnon, Artsci’88 (PhD, African Studies, University of London) is the author of Nelson Mandela: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works. The work seeks to illuminate the various
    dimensions of Mandela’s life from his rural roots to his embrace and eventual leadership of African National Congress, the oldest political liberation organization on the continent. It covers his clandestine work for the liberation struggle, his trial for treason, his long imprisonment, his eventual release, and his triumphant ascent to the presidency of the new South Africa in a fully democratic election. This book is part of a biography series from Rowman & Littlefield Publishers geared to young adults. Dr. MacKinnon is Professor of African History and Chair of the Department of History and Geography at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, GA. He is the author of The Making of South Africa: Culture and Politics.

  • Illustration of a man at a desk looking at a lap top while a woman, standing, speaks to him

    Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction Therapy

    Carolyn Allard, Artsci’91

    Carolyn Allard, Artsci’91(MA, Carleton University; PhD, University of Oregon), has a new book out: Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction Therapy: Treating Guilt and Shame Resulting from Trauma and Moral Injury. This book provides mental health professionals with tools for assessing and treating guilt and shame resulting from trauma and moral injury. Guilt and shame are common features in many of the problems trauma survivors experience including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, substance use, and suicidality. This book presents Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction Therapy, a brief, transdiagnostic psychotherapy designed to reduce guilt and shame. Dr. Allard is the PhD program director at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University and an associate professor of psychiatry at UC San Diego. She is also the president of the American Psychological Association trauma division (56) for 2020. She would love to hear from other alumni working in trauma psychology:

  • Cover of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Criminal Practice

    Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Criminal Practice

    Thomas Harrison, Artsci’89, Ed’92, Law’01, PhD’16

    Thomas Harrison, Artsci’89, Ed’92, Law’01, PhD’16 (Law), is the co-author, with Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich, of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Criminal Practice. Lawyers, Crown counsels,district attorneys, and paralegals are often tasked with managing negotiation and conflict resolution in the courtroom; however, very little theory or literature surrounding this specialization exists. This handbook effectively closes these gaps and extensively discusses theories of negotiation and conflict resolution in criminal practice. Dr. Harrison has taught legal ethics at Queen's; he currently teaches critical thinking and animal law at Durham College.

  • Illustration of a man at a desk looking at a lap top while a woman, standing, speaks to him

    Gold for a Mad Miner

    Bill Glover, Sc’72

    Bill Glover, Sc’72, is the author of Gold for a Mad Miner. The book is a tribute to the gold-mining town of Kirkland Lake, Ont., (Mr. Glover’s birthplace) on its centennial anniversary. Stories and photos span 100 years of booms and busts, triumphs and tragedies, heroes and villains. The book includes anecdotes from four generations of Glovers who worked in the local mines. Gold for a Mad Miner is Mr. Glover’s fifth book.

  • Cover of Frontline Justice

    Frontline Justice: The Evolution and Reform of Summary Trials in the Canadian Armed Forces

    Pascal Lé​vesque, PhD’16

    Pascal Lé​vesque, PhD’16 (Law), has written Frontline Justice: The Evolution and Reform of Summary Trials in the Canadian Armed Forces (McGill-Queen’s University Press). Compared with its civilian counterpart – which struggles with delays and uncertain results – summary military justice is efficient. From offence until outcome, 90 per cent of cases are dealt with in under 90 days. The other side of the coin is that there is no right to representation by defence counsel, no transcript produced, and no appeal to a judge. Nine times out of ten, individuals are found guilty. For service members, consequences can include fines, reductions in rank, confinement, and sentences of up to 30 days in military jail, sometimes with a criminal conviction.

    Addressing important gaps in legal literature, this work sets out to examine summary justice in Canada's military and to advocate for reform. Pascal Lévesque describes the origins, purposes, and features of the summary trial system in the Canadian Armed Forces. He then analyzes the system's benefits and flaws and the challenges it faces in maintaining discipline while respecting the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He determines that troubling aspects of the system, including the fact that lower and higher ranks are dealt with and punished differently, are clear indicators of a need for change. Criticizing current legislation, the book takes into account the latest developments in military law and jurisprudence to make concrete recommendations for an alternative model of military justice.

  • Illustration of a man at a desk looking at a lap top while a woman, standing, speaks to him

    Artificial Intelligence: Transitions

    Successfully Prepare for a Career in the World of Artificial Intelligence - Brian Lenahan, Com’86

    Brian Lenahan, Com’86, followed up his career in banking with a “left turn” into the field of AI. His latest book is Artificial Intelligence: Transitions – Successfully Prepare for a Career in the World of Artificial Intelligence. This book is recommended for students, people new to the workforce, or those looking to make a career change. Mr. Lenahan’s other books are Digital Coach: Coaching in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence: Foundations for Business Leaders and Consultants. Mr. Lenahan is the CEO of Aquitaine Innovation Advisors. This year, he will also teach a number of courses on artificial intelligence at McMaster University. He will also be a speaker at the 2020 McMaster World Congress.

    Learn more about Brian's book

  • Cover of Architects of the Kingston Region

    Architects Working in the Kingston Region 1820–1920

    Jennifer McKendry, MA’84

    Jennifer McKendry, MA’84(Art History), has a new book out: Architects Working in the Kingston Region 1820–1920. Major players in the region were William Coverdale(Kingston Penitentiary in the 1840s), George Browne(Kingston City Hall in the early 1840s), Power & Son (McIntosh Castle, 1852, and rebuilding St George’s Cathedral in the 1890s), William Newlands (Victoria School, now Goodes Hall, home to Smith School of Business, 1892) and Edward Horsey (Frontenac County Court House, 1856). Architects from Toronto and other areas are included if they designed at least one project in or near Kingston, for example, the contributions to Queen’s University (Ontario Hall, Grant Hall, Kingston Hall) by Symons & Rae around 1900. Also included are a list of selected builders, contractors and craftsmen; architectural pattern books available in Kingston; and a bibliography of Kingston architecture. This work builds upon Dr. McKendry’s other books focusing on buildings of brick and wood in the Kingston area, as well as considering the impact of styles from 19th and 20th centuries.

  • cover of Richard Bentley and the British Empire

    Richard Bentley and the British Empire: Imperial and Colonial Publishing Connections

    Mary Jane Edwards, MA’63

    Mary Jane Edwards, MA’63(English), is the editor of Richard Bentley and the British Empire: Imperial and Colonial Publishing Connections. Richard Bentley was the leading publisher of fiction in three-volume form for much of the 19th century. From 1832 until it was sold to Macmillan in 1898,his London-based firm developed networks to distribute its books throughout the British Empire. It also issued works of fiction and non-fiction about Great Britain’s various colonies in what are now Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, and South Africa. Contributors to the volume analyze fundamental aspects of the structure, history, and functioning of the international book trade. They explore the many roles that Bentley played in disseminating information about these far-flung possessions and in helping to develop – and modify – British cultural values in them. Dr. Edwards is the director of the Centre for Editing Early Canadian Texts.

  • Travels With Myself

    Doug Jordan, Arts’69, MBA’71

    Doug Jordan, Arts’69, MBA’71, has been on a journey of change and transition in the last several years, beginning with the diagnosis, and then death, of his wife, Marlene, in 2017 from complications of breast cancer. Struggling with grief and loss he sought to find a new purpose in his life and a new identity, as author. His latest book, Travels With Myself, a mixture of anguish and irony, bitterness and humour, recounts his journey of discovery about grief, empathy, mental health, love and purpose; he hopes others will find meaning and understanding in it for themselves. You can discover more about his work at his website,

  • Mini Musings: Miniature Thoughts on Theatre and Poetry

    Keith Garebian, PhD’73

    Keith Garebian, PhD’73 (English), has a new work out: Mini Musings: Miniature Thoughts on Theatre and Poetry. The titles alone speak to the little book's uniqueness: they include Watching Your Father Die on Stage, Do Actors Love the Audience?, Can There Be Poetry After Donald Trump?, and Filthy Shakespeare. The mini musings bubble with a sense of wonder, excitement, and intimacy. This is Dr. Garebian’s 27th book.

  • Q & A a Day for Travelers

    Anna Frenkel, Artsci’16, Ed’17

    Anna Frenkel, Artsci’16, Ed’17, has created a travel journal: Q & A a Day for Travelers. “After studying abroad,” she writes, “I decided to create a book to help people document their travels and plan new ones.” The book is a three-year guided journal that provides a question prompt each day. Writers answer a question each day and then see how their answers change. Whether you are hiking the Appalachian Trail or discovering secret corners of your hometown, the prompts in this journal will spur you to remember great trips, meals, people and all the odd moments and details that make travel so exciting. Your answers year-over-year will reveal what you love best about travel and what you should avoid, as well as documenting the journeys you have taken. Ms. Frenkel is a French language teacher and is studying to be a speech-language pathologist.

  • A Military History of Sovereign Hawai’i

    Neil Dukas, Artsci’83

    Neil Dukas, Artsci’83, published a new edition of his 2004 book A Military History of Sovereign Hawai’i. The book provides an overview of Hawai’i’s remarkable military history, beginning with its classical period as a sovereign nation and progressing through the political turmoil of the 19th century to its annexation, in 1898, by the United States. The 2020 edition reflects recent findings and new schools of thought, as well as new illustrations. Captain Dukas was recently appointed director of the non-profit Forum on Hawai‘i’s Military and Warrior Past.

  • Rabbit

    Claudia (Brown) Coutu Radmore, BFA’84

    Claudia (Brown) Coutu Radmore, BFA’84, is the author of rabbit, her fifth collection of poems. Ms. Radmore celebrates, and sometimes grieves, the unique inhabitants of our natural and human worlds in lines teeming with observation, curiosity, and appropriate wonder. Rife with detail and greedy for understanding, the poems in rabbit pulse with buoyant energy, the title poem alone an invitation to perceive “the other” and to be changed. A poem from her last volume, camera obscura, was included in The Best Canadian Poetry of 2019. A new collection, Park Ex Girl: Life with Gasometer, will be published later this year.

  • A novel lies open on a table.

    Gender Diversity

    Lee Airton

    Lee Airton, Assistant Professor (Gender and Sexuality Studies in Education), is co-editor of Teaching about Gender Diversity, a collection of teacher-tested interdisciplinary lesson plans that provides K–12 teachers with the tools to implement gender-inclusive practices into their curriculum and talk to their students about gender and sex. Divided into three sections dedicated to the elementary, middle, and secondary grade levels, this practical resource provides lessons for a variety of subject areas, including English language arts, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), and health and physical education. The lessons range from reading aloud early literacy picture books that use gender-neutral language and highlight the gendered experiences of characters to engaging mathematics in the study of targeting gender terminology, stereotypes, and the social construction of binary gender.

Summer 2020

  • Guide to Martin’s Annual Criminal Code

    Lance Triskle, Law’00

    Lance Triskle, Law’00, is the author of Guide to Martin’s Annual Criminal Code (third edition). The book assists students and professionals to successfully navigate Martin’s Annual Criminal Code. Examples from Martin’s are reproduced for the reader, including excerpts from the Criminal Code, the Offence Grid, and the Table of Cases. The Guide also includes exercises for readers to practise skills required for their research. Through learning how to review Martin’s more effectively, users learn to read other annotated texts. The Guide is ideal for students studying criminal law and criminal procedure.

  • Cover of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Ham

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Ham: a medieval miscellany

    T. J. Radcliffe, Sc’84, PhD’91

    T. J. Radcliffe, Sc’84, PhD’91 (Physics), is the author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Ham: a medieval miscellany, a modern romance in verse inspired by the medieval tale of King Arthur’s famously courteous nephew, Sir Gawain, and his adventures fighting the Green Knight. A new story, rather than a re-telling, this work is both ribald and serious, sober and fun, creating a tale that is accessible to modern readers while paying homage to one of the great medieval romances.