High School Student: New Brunswick

General Requirements

Provincial High School Diploma. Five academic courses, including English 121 or 122. Calculus 120 can be used in place of Pre-Calculus 12A and 12B

Program Requirements

Acceptable Prerequisite Courses

Please note for application purposes, Queen's University requires you to submit a high school issued transcript that includes courses you are currently enrolled in as well as courses you are registered in for your second semester (if in a semestered/term high school). Applicants whom have been offered admission will be required to submit a final transcript directly from their high school.

Students whom have already completed and received their New Brunswick Diploma must arrange for a final high school transcript indicating graduation to be sent directly to Queen's from their previous high school in order to complete their document requirements.

Common Requirements

Supplementary Information

Your high school transcript is just one piece of information we use when making an admission decision. Each applicant to Queen’s has a unique To-Do List, detailing exactly what we need to complete your application. You can see your To-Do List (and the due dates) on your SOLUS Student Centre. We will send your SOLUS access information after you apply.

We review and update our supplementary requirements on a regular basis to ensure applicants have a meaningful platform to share additional information not available through their grades.

English Language

English Language Proficiency (ELP) Requirements: Do you live in a country where English is not the acknowledged primary language? Find out if you are required to submit ELP scores…

QBridge is an English language pathway to Queen’s University for students who are academically competitive for admission to a Queen’s undergraduate degree program, but who do not meet the required admission standard for English language proficiency. The QBridge programs ensure that students are linguistically, academically, and culturally prepared to complete their Queen’s undergraduate degree studies. Learn more about the Queen’s School of English QBridge program…