Podcasts and Webinars

Borders, Security, And Defence


4. Tallis, Benjamin, and Gasch Burnett, Aaron, hosts. "16 - Canada and Germany: From Free-Riding Laggards to Re-engaged Teammates? [Part 1]" BerlinsideOut (podcast). January 23, 2024. 

Intelligence and Cyber Security


3. St. John, Geoffrey, host. "National Security Expert Christian Leuprecht | Canadian Foreign Intelligence Service | Episode 3." Canadian Foreign Intelligence Service Podcast (podcast). March 5, 2024.

2023 2. Geddes, Kym, and Musson, Jeff. "The China Threat: Could the World Become More Peaceful or More Dangerous?" 1:CLICK 2:CYBER CHAOS (podcast). June 21, 2023

Global Financial Crime and Transnational Organized Crime


1. Wudrick, Aaron host. "Dirty Money, Financial Crime in Canada: Christian Leuprecht in conversation with Aaron Wudrick / MLI" Inside Policy Talks (podcast). October 26, 2023.