Laurent Godin
Professor, Structural Geology & Tectonics
I specialize in structural geology and continental tectonics, with a special focus on the evolution of mountain belts, namely the Himalayan-Tibet system. I am particularly interested in field-oriented studies dealing with ductile deformation processes, evolution of crustal-scale shear zones and associated microstructural fabric development, fold/fault relationships, and active tectonics and seismicity.
My group works on application of centrifuge analogue modelling, U-Th/Pb petrochronology, and thermochronology to continental tectonics. In addition to mountain belt research, we conduct research on seismicity and stress partitioning in continental interiors, basement fault reactivation, investigation of Early Archean geology, and application of structural geology to mineral exploration programs.
Education and Experience
- Science Editor, Lithosphere (2017-2020)
- Professor (since 2015), Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queen’s University
- Co-Chair (2011-2013), NSERC Geoscience Discovery Grant Committee (Member 2010-2013)
- Adjunct Professor, Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, (2003-current)
- Adjunct Professor, Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University (2014-current)
- Visiting Professor, Dept. of Geology, Otago University, New Zealand (2007)
- Assistant (2003-2006); Associate Professor (2006-2015), Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queen’s University
- Assistant Professor (2000-2003), Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University
- Postdoctoral Fellow (2000), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) - Earth Sciences, Oxford University (UK)
- Ph.D. (1999), Earth Sciences, Carleton University
- B.Sc. (1991) & M.Sc. (1993), Sciences de la Terre, Université du Québec à Montréal