Positions Available

I especially  encourage applications from women, minority groups, and people in any group under-represented in science in Canada. 

Graduate Students

  • Our research involves chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, and computer science. I enjoy working with students and strive to teach them to develop their own ideas and to take initiative. I want students not only to acquire knowledge but to learn how to put it to work. Please contact me if you are a student interested in doing M.Sc. or Ph.D. research in molecular quantum dynamics.  

Undergraduate Students

  • Students wishing to do summer research or an undergraduate thesis project are invited to contact me.

Postdoctoral fellows

  • From time to time I hire new postdoctoral fellows. Young scientists with an interest in the development and application of new methods in quantum dynamics should contact me. Qualifizierte Wissenschaftler aus Deutschland koennen ein Feodor Lynen-Forschungsstipendium fuer Postdoktoranden beantragen.