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Queen's University Community Campaign

Home of the Queen's employee, retiree and student campaign in support of the United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington (KFL&A).

The Queen's University United Way Community Campaign is run by a volunteer committee with support from champions in departments, faculties and schools across campus.

Campus support of the campaign comes in many ways, by donating to the annual campus campaign, volunteering directly with agency organizations and through office and student run events with all funds raised directly supporting the United Way of KFL&A and the many agencies and programs they fund.

Thank you to the members of the Queen’s community who supported the 2024 campus campaign and helped raise over $492,000!

How you can DONATE

View last year's United Way of KFLA Community Impact Report 

United Way total thermometer - 2024 at 100%

“The United Way plays a critical role in ensuring the health and well-being of our community by funding programs and services that benefit thousands of people right here in Kingston and the surrounding area. Queen’s is an important partner in this work and I am pleased to support the United Way not only with my donation, but also with my time as a member of the Campaign Cabinet. I encourage everyone in the Queen’s community to contribute to United Way in any way they can. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of many.”

Patrick Deane
Principal and Vice-Chancellor