Sing for Joy '23 Years of Open Voices'

Jennifer Velva Bernstein Performance Hall
Sing for Joy '23 Years of Open Voices'

Join Kingston's amazing, 100 voice Open Voices Community Choir for a celebration of 23 years of fun and beautiful music. Guest artists Multi Juno winner David Francey, Canadian Folk Music Award winner and Juno Nominee Peter Katz, and our own Kingston favourite Anna Sudac will help us put on a show for the ages. All music for these concerts has been arranged by founding Artistic Director Andy Rush, and this concert is his swan song, retiring after 23 years, But it's not all oldies... We will premier brand new arrangements of a David Francey song, a Tim Aylesworth song, and a Bangla song Andy learned from his Childhaven students in Chittagong, Bangladesh.

We'll be the first show ever at the Isabel to put a REAL Hammond B3 Organ with Leslie
rotational speakers on the stage. As always, there will be sing alongs, with lyrics projected
above the stage. The concerts are in support of Joe's Mill Instrument Lending Library, Blue
Canoe Productions and Childhaven. Children and youth from Blue Canoe will be on stage with us taking the lead in a few songs. Wait til' you hear an eight year old hammer out Selena Ryder's 'Stompa' with a 6 piece band and 110 back up singers!

Tickets are limited and this is pretty well guaranteed to be a sell out. You don't want to be
hearing how great it was, when you could be there!
Tickets through the Isabel Bader Center for the Performing Arts and
Supported by: The Ballytobin Foundation

*Our tickets are regularly priced at $25.00+hst (plus $2.50 service charge) and a discretionary price of $7.50+hst (plus $2.50 service charge) for those 12 and under, or those who feel unable to pay full price at this time.