How do we embody humanity? This event illuminates a poetic understanding of humanity that addresses and undresses intersectional inequity.

How do we think—or rethink—humanity in the face of racial discrimination? What does it mean to be and feel human, to embody humanity within and beyond the academy? Building on the conversations started with Poetics of Migration (2024), Poetics of Humanity invites community members, artists, and scholars to explore these questions together. This event commemorates the 2025 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination through poetry, storytelling, and creative expression. As part of the team bringing this event to life, I’m excited to help create a space where storytelling, poetry, and art can challenge racial injustice and inspire reflection. This event is produced by Stephanie Simpson, Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, and Inclusion) at Queen's University, in collaboration with Paul Akpomuje, a poet, Critical Migration Scholar, and Doctoral Candidate at Queen's University. Bring a poem, a picture, a song—or just an open heart—as we come together to illuminate a poetic understanding of humanity and confront the inequities that shape our world. This event is also supported by The Revolutionary Demand for Happiness & the Black Studies Department at Queen's University.
Presented by: Paul Akpomuje, Poet, Critical Migration Scholar and Doctoral Candidate, Queen's University Stephanie Simpson, Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, and Inclusion), Queen's University