Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled and all ticket buyers have been contacted.
Soprano Patricia O’Callaghan sang the 2017 premiere performance of One Last Night with Mata Hari, a one-woman show with book and lyrics by Craig Walker and music by John Burge, both long-time Queen’s faculty members. Since then, Queen’s University is very fortunate that Patricia has joined the DAN School Faculty, as well. Along with Craig narrating, and John at the piano, Patricia will reprise highlights from the show to coincide with the publication of The Mata Hari Songbook by Red Leaf Vocalworks.
Mata Hari was renowned as an exotic dancer and courtesan throughout Europe in the early 20th century. Her conviction and execution by France on charges of spying for Germany during World War I is one of the many aspects of her life that add to her ongoing notoriety. The show is best described as a kind of cabaret in which Mata Hari recounts her life in story and song on the evening of October 14th, 1917, the night before she faced the firing squad. Interspersed throughout the concert, John will perform incidental music that he wrote for the show in the form piano miniatures.
The Free Live Streaming for this concert is sponsored by the Ontario Region of the Canadian Music Centre in their support of promoting concerts devoted to live performances of Canadian music.