Computing, Mathematics, and Analytics

The Computing, Mathematics, and Analytics Specialization is intended for students aiming at graduate work in the theory of computing or in an applied area of computing that requires significant mathematical expertise, such as communications, optimization, security, or biomedical computing. This program will give students a potent combination of computer science and mathematics as it relates to research in Computing, and will prepare graduates well for advanced degrees or careers in a variety of areas in industry.

Cognitive Science

Drawing from principles of psychology, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience, and computing, this program explores the science of the mind and thought. Cognitive scientists are probing the concept of intelligence in humans and animals in order to program intelligent computers that are not only capable of performing complex tasks, but of thinking complex thoughts.


The four year Biotechnology (BTEC) degree plan is a Subject of Specialization Plan (SSP) with a focus on this highly active and rapidly changing area of applied research. The plan balances conceptual and practical learning experiences at a broad range of scales of biological organization — from microbes to ecosystems — embracing the diversity of life forms that can be used to improve agriculture, medicine and the environment, among other things.

Biomedical Computing

This innovative program combines the problem-solving capabilities of Computer Science with the most advanced techniques of the life sciences, resulting in endless possibilities for improving health care. Courses in this multi-disciplinary program include: Computer-Integrated Surgery, Genetics, Computational Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Artificial Intelligence, and Software Development. This program is suitable for many careers, including medicine and medical research.

Technology in Teaching

Ontario Post-Grad Certificate in Technology in Teaching

Our Post-Graduate Certificates allow you to enhance your expertise in a specific area of education. Credits from a Post-Graduate Certificate can be used for advanced standing into a Graduate Diploma or Professional Master of Education via our laddered SAGE Graduate Program.

About Ontario Post-Graduate Certificates in Education