Art Conservation

Art conservation is an exciting and challenging multidisciplinary field involving the examination, interpretation, analysis and conservation of cultural, historic and artistic objects. Professional conservators and conservation scientists must rely on their knowledge of both the humanities and the sciences to understand the creation and production of material culture in past and present contexts to ensure its preservation for the future.

Queen's offers Canada's only Master's degree program in Art Conservation.

Art History

The Queen’s Art History program is strongly committed to mentoring students in a variety of interdisciplinary approaches, methodologies, and issues, including the technical examination of art, gender studies, critical theory, cultural representation, curatorial studies, and the relationships among art, literature, and science. The program offers a wide range of courses that explore how visual and material cultures have shaped human societies across time and around the world.


Grappling with life’s big topics, Philosophy provides students with critical thinking skills that enable you to uncover hidden assumptions, identify core premises, and evaluate arguments. The Department of Philosophy at Queen’s University has faculty working in a wide variety of fields, including political philosophy, ethics, bioethics, feminism, contemporary metaphysics and epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, continental philosophy and the history of philosophy.


Smith's MSc and PhD programs offer students the opportunity to develop critical thinking and research skills and delve deeply into specific topics within their area of interest. These programs prepare graduates for an academic or research-oriented career.

Master of Science in Management

Geological Engineering

Geological engineers combine core engineering fundamentals with a broad slate of geological knowledge, ranging from geology to geotechnical engineering. You will study physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, and natural processes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, and mountain formation. You will also acquire field, laboratory, and computer simulation skills and training in state-of-the-art geological investigation and engineering analysis tools.


Kinesiology is the science of the human body in motion. You will learn about the physiological, biomechanical, psychological and sociological factors that influence human movement, exercise and sport performance, along with health. From the structure of the cell to the structure of society, your studies in Kinesiology will expose you to the complex factors that influence health and wellness.

Health Studies

Health Studies strives to understand the complex factors that influence physical, mental and social health and overall well-being. Drawing largely from social science disciplines, our courses explore the social determinants of health, approaches to health promotion, health policy, health behaviour change, epidemiology, and program planning and evaluation. You’ll be expected to challenge yourself and to think critically about health in relation to social justice, politics and culture. And you will gain the skills you need to do that.

Geological Sciences

Geoscientists interpret the natural world. They bring methods such as geophysics, geochemistry, geobiology and field geology together to understand the modern and ancient Earth. Clues concealed in rocks and minerals, fluids and fossils, mountains and sediments, glaciers and volcanoes are marshaled to understand and explain the Earth system at all scales.