Faculty of Education

At the Faculty of Education, Queen's University, our undergraduate and graduate students explore and examine teaching and learning from a variety of perspectives across diverse contexts. Our inclusive community, along with our international connections, provides students with exciting cross-cultural learning opportunities. Our graduates are ready to integrate theoretical, practical, and experiential knowledge in the understanding and resolution of professional issues.

Professional Studies in Education

Professional Studies at Queen’s University offers professional development courses and programs that will help you succeed in today’s workplace.

From individual courses to certificate programs, our discipline-specific content is written and taught by experts in the field and offered in a flexible, online environment, where you will have the opportunity to network with colleagues while learning real-world skills.

Continuing Teacher Education

As part of the Faculty of Education at Queen's University, the Continuing Teacher Education Office is made up of a diverse group of passionate educators, customer service professionals, multimedia experts, and information technology specialists who work together to provide you with the best professional development experience possible.

Guided by experienced and specialized instructors, our AQ, ABQ and Post-Graduate Certificates in Education are written and designed to offer a positive learning experience that is collaborative and practical.

Queen's School of English

For more than 80 years, the Queen’s School of English (QSOE) has provided outstanding student support, a well-researched curriculum, exceptional instruction, and a vibrant student life program.

Do you want a Canadian cultural experience? Do you need help preparing for an exchange or degree program in English? Whatever your language-learning goal, we have a program for you!

Internationally Trained Teacher Education

Preparing internationally trained teachers to teach in Ontario, the Post-Graduate Certificate for Internationally Trained Teachers is a 16-month program for internationally trained teachers who are certified to teach in another country.

This unique program offers cultural, educational, and social opportunities that will prepare you to teach in an Ontario classroom. Upon successful completion, you’ll receive a Queen’s University transcript and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education.

The program counts toward the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) certification process.

Advanced Leadership for Social Impact

The Advanced Leadership for Social Impact Fellowship prepares experienced leaders with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to meaningfully tackle the root causes and drivers of social issues or problems. By focusing on developing leaders with the skills and perspectives to tackle complex issues, Queen’s University can help solve the world’s most significant and urgent challenges.

World Indigenous Studies in Education

The World Indigenous Studies in Education program is a progressive MEd program that allows you to pursue your research interests without leaving your community, family or job. The program is offered part-time blended (online and on-campus) for students with experience in Indigenous communities and/or World Indigenous issues. We welcome allyship and students with experience and/or demonstrated commitment to Indigenous truth, reconciliation and knowledge mobilization. The first summer of the program is on-campus at Queen's University and the remaining courses are online.