
Smith's MSc and PhD programs offer students the opportunity to develop critical thinking and research skills and delve deeply into specific topics within their area of interest. These programs prepare graduates for an academic or research-oriented career.

Master of Science in Management

Health Quality

The Master of Science in Healthcare Quality program provides professionals with the knowledge and tools to research, advocate and implement strategies for risk reduction, quality improvement and safety promotion within the healthcare systems.

The PhD in Health Quality will prepare experts to go on to improve the delivery of healthcare through teaching, the development of new methodologies and theoretical frameworks, and testing innovation in the field of health quality.


Unique in North America, the GeoEngineering program is a collaboration between faculty members at Queen’s University and the Royal Military College (RMC). Drawn from three engineering departments at the two universities, the GeoEngineering Centre’s members are dedicated to advancing knowledge in geotechnical, geohydrological, geochemical, geohazards, and cold regions.

Engineering and Applied Physics

In Queen’s collaborative graduate programs in engineering and applied physics, research is centred around themes that use basic science and physics to improve quality of life and to solve current or future problems facing people both in Canada and worldwide. This research spans areas of photonics, quantum information technology, medical physics, non-destructive evaluation, materials physics, electronic device physics and plasma physics.

Applied Sustainability

Applied Sustainability is the application of science and innovation to meet human needs while indefinitely preserving the life support systems of the planet. The objective of the Collaborative Masters Program in Applied Sustainability is to expose MEng and MASc students to the implementation of sustainable engineering solutions within the context of broader sustainability theory.

MBA + Law

This four-year combined program capitalizes on the strength of the internationally acclaimed, intensive 12-month Master of Business Administration (MBA) offered by Smith School of Business and the rich program in business law offered by Queen’s Law. Queen’s J.D. and MBA degrees will be conferred at the completion of the Combined Program after all requirements for both degrees have been completed.


Certificate in Law

The Certificate in Law (CiL) program is your entry point into the fascinating world of Canadian law. Whether you are discovering if a JD or LLM is right for you, or building your skills and competencies to supplement your degree or professional field, the CiL will provide you with a foundational understanding of Canada’s legal system and critical knowledge that can be applied to any discipline.

Public Administration

The Public Administration graduate program is a bridge between the academic world and the world of public affairs. Our multi-disciplinary MPA programs are focused on policy analysis, development and implementation, preparing new and experienced professionals for rewarding careers in the public, private and non-profit sectors. Our graduates have gone on to hold positions as ministers and senior officials in municipal, provincial and federal governments. They also provide leadership in hospitals, community organizations and national associations across Canada.