Mining Engineering

Undergraduate program: Explore the minerals industry and related environmental and technological fields. You’ll study a wide range of disciplines involved in locating, extracting, refining, and disposing of mineral and metal products and by-products – leading to various dynamic career options in a truly global field. 

Commerce + Law

This six-year combined program capitalizes on the strength of the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree offered by Smith School of Business and the rich business law program offered by Queen’s Law. 

The BCom/JD degree reduces completion time and tuition by one year for undergraduate students admitted to the BCom degree program at Smith. Students entering the third-year of the Smith BCom program are eligible to apply through an internal application process at Queen’s. 


Earth Systems Science

The Earth Systems Science Specialization pairs the applied multidisciplinary perspective of environmental studies with in-depth scientific training in physical geography. Students take a holistic view of the Earth and emphasize the interactions between land, water, and air to understand and address the impacts of environmental change.

Environmental Life Sciences

The Environmental Life Sciences Specialization pairs the multidisciplinary perspective of environmental studies with in-depth scientific training into how the human body works and how issues such as water quality, environmental contaminants, and infectious diseases, affect human health.

Environmental Geology

The Environmental Geology Specialization pairs the applied multidisciplinary perspective of environmental studies with in-depth training in geological sciences. Students learn about the processes and structures associated with the solid-earth, including geological resources and issues associated with their extraction.

Environmental Chemistry

The Environmental Chemistry Specialization pairs the applied multidisciplinary perspective of environmental studies with in-depth scientific training in chemistry. Students draw on these foundations to understand the behaviour of chemicals in the environment and consider how chemicals and industrial processes can be improved to reduce their impact.

Environmental Biology

The Environmental Biology specialization pairs the applied multidisciplinary perspective of environmental studies with in-depth scientific training in biology. Students draw on foundations in genetics, physiology, evolution, and ecology to address challenging topics like pollution, conservation, and climate change.

Indigenous Studies

The major in Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary degree, designed to draw together a range of course offerings on Indigenous history, culture, experience, language, and ways of knowing from many departments within Arts and Science. It will give both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students the opportunity to immerse themselves in Indigenous history and culture, to ensure that future leaders and policymakers have a solid foundation in the histories of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples.